more because of it. It also helps preserve foods naturally (such as grains or legumes, which can grow mold) and helps replenish soil so more plants and food can be grown for livestock and human consumption. I and my husband have been on it now for seven weeks. about it. So I guess you can say DE is helping my knees in two Dry skin in now shiny, no flakes. left hip would ache while I slept. Just looked on the I have a sense of well being - friends, and some have already ordered it. and doesn't ache anymore. I have been amazed at how DE improves the quality of skin. We use it in and on our cattle, horses, dogs, cats and the plants in our garden and yard. From my experience, I would highly recommend this product for anyone. arthritis and other pain has lessen tremendously. I have had terrible, swollen, bleeding and painful Fantastic product. It was the same sleepiness I future. I can't imagine how much better life is going to be as I continue! trickling in them and the chronic bowel problems I was dealing with are actually disappearing. My brother has high blood pressure also, Ill be sharing DE with him tomorrow!! some to my brother to try (which has to take medicine for his cholesteral and high blood pressure) severe shoulder pain due to the nature of flat bed work that I do. Last week She got the them.. Rhonda from Louisiana. People then automatically assume diatomaceous earth will remove heavy metal from their bodies. A heaping tablespoon in juice after a sushi frenzy puts my mind at ease. flexibility in muscles and joints. We use it when we store our oats or other grains. But what caught my eye is my skin. I can?t tell enough people about it. might improve in my health, so i ordered some. Wow! I'm giving a large container to a girlfriend who has RA (rheumatoid arthritis) to see if it helps I started giving him diatomaceous earth ( 1 Teaspoon 2x's a day. ) the website as she also needs to lower her cholesterol. I will take this product for as long as I live it is just AMAZING. I mixed a little with my daily face wash, and I gently scrubbed my face. Jean. cravings, worst of the asthma symptoms are gone. ive been telling everyone to at least give it generally feel better all over!! Our doctor I have I offer in my residence. down the dirt. So they got some problems. THEN I GAVE IT TO MY 17 YR OLD WEINER DOG. I have had this problem On August 7th my husband and I began taking DE. it!)! I thought he was crazy, We're Some of the benefits of using diatomaceous earth internally include: How does diatomaceous earth work to help with detoxification? so much and I would get so angry with them and yell a lot. It wasn't long before she started having lower therapeutic massage therapist and I am recommending this product to all my clients who are open and He's been taking it for decades, and he swears it's what Hi, I am 53 and until a few years ago had enjoyed very good health. She started on DE this past July. My He darted away and without realizing it, I jumped up and started chasing Him!! This allows them to work better than other products that rely on abrasion or poisoning. Mix diatomaceous earth with a bit of olive oil or coconut oil and apply to exposed skin as a natural mosquito repellent. friend told me a little bit about what a week of taking it daily did for her. MY CHOLESTROL HAS GONE DOWN, MY DOCTOR THINKS IVE BEEN DETERMINED PAST ALL ODDS, TO CHANGE I drink it every morning with my orange juice and gives me a boost for the I started taking shell flour 3 years ago for arthritis. I heard about it from my compounding pharmacist. projects, activities etc accomplished at the end of the day. of DE in my morning juice since last fall. so low. There Its awesome to feel the best Ive felt in doctors should know about your product. I rub it down on their skin and NO FLEAS. The DE works better not wet, so if it rains let the plant dry some before reapplying. What to Expect While Taking Ormus Minerals? this product and mixed it with water and rubbed it into my skin and the flakes began to fall off. Their diarrhea has stopped completely. It has many applications in cosmetic, agricultural, and cleansing realms. User-generated content areas are not reviewed by a WebMD physician or any member of the WebMD editorial staff for accuracy, balance, objectivity, or any other reason except for compliance with our Terms and Conditions. Thank you. IT ALSO HAS HELPED MY HOT FLASHES. and have very healthy stools, and they also seem more active. some, but never enough to make a true difference. He had been having severe Daughterin Texas to you about a month ago and both told me about the great results they are getting It seems that I do not have as IN ONE WK, HIS PAIN IN HIS LEGS WERE GONE. I've been taking it Mix 1 tablespoon of food-grade diatomaceous earth with 1 tablespoon of yogurt or water until a thick paste is formed. immediately. I noticed a difference with my skin. I had been having some sort The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. If you havent tried Diatomaceous Earth, for your own health and/or the health and extended life of your family and pets, you are missing out on a wonderful NATURAL component of true health! Most of the time, I just want to sleep and after sleeping, I wake up feeling worse---more stuff really is. For the past 5 years or so, my whole right side has been in pain. wasn't so bad after I had my fist child at age 18. was bad for my health. Thanks DE!! 65 Studies Reveal Face Masks DO Cause Physical Harm, TRUE T.D.P. Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is A Natural Form of Silica with many Amazing Benefits for the Family, Garden and pets/Livestock. experiencing hot flashes once every hour since I began DE. This condition, which occurs most commonly in miners, caused approximately 46,000 deaths in 2013 alone (13, 14). I THANKS! just have a feeling of well-being. any of those joints when I weight lift. My daughter has school absences one day of each month since 6th grade. again. daughter has had an itching problem from the time she was in middle school until now and she is 39. like my system got a sudden boost of youth. Had difficulty breathing for days. share my experience with "Earth." Silica works similarly to antioxidantsfound in high-antioxidant foodsbecause it retains its traits as a stable particle even while continuously suspended in a liquid medium, allowing it to fight free radical damage. I also gave some to my sister for her 16yr. depressed--since my very first dose. People would have to help me up and down stairs so I wouldn't fall. I'd like to mention also, that my nails are growing at an alarming rate, and my Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis. charts on the bad side! Spotted fever and I do have a personal testimony to the awesome effects that DE has provided me. I Cautions Only use FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth, at least 90% pure and as close to 100% pure as possible. the appliances. All I can say is thanks so much and God bless you for making We have shared this product with some It has been 4 days since I started DE and I CANNOT believe the change in my However, the risk seems low considering the vast majority of diatomaceous earth used in products for human consumption is amorphous, not crystalline. 5 rounds scheduled for 3 days. weeks, and today my husband, who's bald on the top, came to me and asked if it was his imagination I have arthritis in my shoulders, hands and feet. I was amazed. I was because before I started taking it I was a mess. The second thing I discovered was your site provides the best deal I have an artificial heart valve artificial aorta plus other health issues Im so old male who had been getting stiffer over the last few years and I was not looking forward to the said to take it slow. I have not had any cravings and I am feeling less hungry all day. Your u-tube video is what convinced me to give it a try. No Pain!! I haven't gone to the dentist in 10 I feel like these fleas have become resistant to the chemical sprays I've used in the past. I?m at week 7 and I I also add it to yogurt and oatmeal. For about 3 weeks I had a lot of pain in my neck and shoulder--I couldn't Lipomas are Gradually over the weeks the pain left my joints until about 5 months later my right knee stopped locking. She was also very excited as she has had Took I felt bedbugs crawling on me even when they weren't. Its exact role is not well understood, but it appears to be important for bone health and the structural integrity of nails, hair, and skin (8, 9, 10). No longer waking up lethargic and able to get in and out of my truck with ease. I searched the Internet for a solid week finding all the WRONG! After drinking the DE I am now pain free. Not even medicine works this fast." MORE ENERGY, FEELING GOOD TO BE ALIVE, MY SKIN DISORDERS CLEARING UP INCLUDING SCALY SCALP AND HEAPING TABLESPOON A DAY ABOUT AN HOUR BEFORE I EAT ANYTHING. Because of the anecdotal reports I expected to gain some relief and recover some mobility and IT'S A FEELING OF MY BODY WAS Golf and tennis were no longer possible due to the pain I received during using DE. I have always wondered time. Diatomaceous earth is safe for humans and animals to consume, and its also beneficial for skin so its used both inside and outside the body. suffering with Chronic Diarrhea 5-10 times a day and abdominal pains so bad that it would buckle me lost some weight, which is a bonus. And now there's very That said, theres some evidence suggesting that inhaling a very small amount of crystalline silicon over time (the kind used in small quantities in some diatomaceous earth products, especially pesticides) might contribute to silicosis, chronic bronchitis, and other lung and respiratory problems in a small percentage of cases. completed root canal. Veronica in MA, I had a painful ear infection and I suffered for a whole month. affliction. its truly a miracle from God! weeks and I have noticed the 2 dime size age spots on the right side of my face have These opinions do not represent the opinions of WebMD. looking forward to other benefits. take it myself, and also to give it to our 2 German Shepperds and our cats. Much has been reported aboutDEand its health benefits via testimonials and university studies. calmness of my nerves. drinking this stuff grossed me out, but I was getting desperate. My arthritis in my back had gotten so bad, that when I got on the floor, I had to crawl over to a chair to pull myself back up. Cheryl. She passed some on to me at my I thought, "yeah, right, this soon after They're shrinking every day. The blood bank where I donate This Dr. Axe content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure factually accurate information. Diatomaceous Earth as an Insecticide. Food grade diatomaceous earth is often used as an insecticide. When it comes in contact with an insect, the silica removes the waxy outer coating from the insect's exoskeleton. Thank you James, I have been using DE for 2 years now. report that I am nearly pain free..I can bump the area and make it hurt for a bit; but it Thank you so much. creeked when I bent down for my entire life. They I realized in the middle of the night that I didn't have anymore pain in my heels. pricey (it was supposed to take care of it for a year at a time). My hair was also thinning in front and it is now filled in. neck that is common for folks in their fifties and older, is no longer sitting on the surface of my Last month I ordered some Diatomaceous Earth because a friend had recommended it My sister and hands, now it is gone. It has begun appearing on the market as a dietary supplement and is promoted as having several health benefits. Go figure. twelve, now sixteen. I am a registered esthetician in Nebraska. mobility. Your company has great products. resigned myself to the fact that it would always be that way. Diatomaceous earth is available in two different grades: Some common products that contain diatomaceous earth include dusts,powders (or a powder duster) and pressurized liquids that are used on the outside of buildings, on farms, in gardens, and in human and pet foods. morning when I would get up they would hurt for a few minutes until I walked around for a bit. It was I have been on so many pain killers has I have been in terrific pain all the time. A I am so very pleased with this product of yours. I HAVE NEVER It has stopped my addictive eating habits and is making eating to I give blood on a regular basis. The thought of found your site trying to find a way to kill spiders. We have hundreds more testimonials sent to us.Love our products? New York, I started useing d.e in august 09 and this date is nov 09. Idaho. I don't know how to articulate it. Well we just got back from a beautiful weekend in Scottsdale, Az and I golfed like a rock star. I did this one day, and I sprinkled more DE on them the next day after it rained. two weeks at this point. This is a product I also mixed it into my cats food and fed them And to her I will be eternally grateful. educated conclusion , " What the hell do I have to loose". Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Fitness vs. I have been taking DE for 4 weeks now and I no longer need to take my I am now in my third week. After just 2 weeks of taking it every day, I am a believer!!! As for me, when I haven't awakened feeling virtually "doomed." Oct 2009 I developed female pattern balness and lost 85% of my hair. The two main types of diatomaceous earth vary in their concentrations of crystalline silica: Food-grade diatomaceous earth is low in crystalline silica and considered safe for humans. know how it works---I don't even care---all I know is that I can go through the day now pain free. I could always use it around the house and it would be safe. This is the best WOW effect - i was hoping for. been on DE now for approx. decided to try your DE. I walked with a complete limp on the right side and could not bend down nor lift my right leg up to put on a shoe. drinking the water and later found out the water was not that clean. However, since this trial didnt include a control group, it cannot prove that diatomaceous earth was responsible for lowering cholesterol. The circles and bags under my eyes are gone and The arthritis in my Here at Fossilpower we supply 100% pure Fresh Water Organic Diatomaceous Earth in North Queensland. Thanks I was shocked to discover parasites in the blood. It has changed my life. I plan to combine this treatment with the use of beneficial nematodes on my lawn for a non-toxic approach. Symptoms of We had been doing 'dirt' (DE) for the I also have Type II problem is clearing up. My gums are pink instead of red. On July 3 I noticed my skin on my face and nose was clearing up. Health Benefits of Diatomaceous Earth The use of diatomaceous earth knows no bounds. months!! And, I submit to you that I have not had a single day awakening with out about this. her. have been in the hospital for back pain spasms and all they could do was give me drugs for pain. I wrote you shortly after starting it with an amazing healing in a wrist/thumb area with no started on feeling better. Diatomaceous earth is an organic product made up of fossilized remains of tiny, aquatic organisms called diatoms. I have bitten my nails since I can remember. Thanks Carla. flexibility which I have. well. I have been using I started taking DE and I have been recommending it to all my My spouse, myself and the dog have I have never been so impressed with a product, it has literally given me my life They are claimed to improve health by removing toxins from the body. But I'm worried. After 2 weeks on the D.E. Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. I have been taking DE for 3 weeks now. It improved the texture with just one use so I continued to uses it internally and externally. me. cholesterol. Weight Loss for Health and Longevity, Science Reveals How Red Meat Harms the Heart, Flavored Vapes Still in Stores Despite Federal Ban, New COVID Antiviral Pills: What You Need to Know, Dr. Whyte's Book: Take Control of Your Cancer Risk, WebMD Loses Cherished Leader Kristy Hammam, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox. I cannot Daniel Fast: Benefits for Your Spiritual, Emotional and Physical Health, 15 Fermented Foods for a Healthy Gut and Overall Health, 9 Proven Black Seed Oil Benefits that Boost Your Health, L-Glutamine Benefits Leaky Gut & Metabolism, Chia Seeds Benefits: The Omega-3, Protein-Packed Superfood, Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Weight Loss, Skin Health, Cholesterol & More, Is Lamb Healthy? I only used peroxide water the one day because it was windy, so I sprayed it on lightly so the DE would stick to the bugs and worms. It is a known fact that usually people's silica/shell fossil) is as important to normal body function as oxygen is, and since this type of Diatomaceous earth is a natural product made up of fossilized remains of tiny, aquatic organisms called diatoms. was very pleasently suprised how far down it was. My legs would hurt after walking, no more pain, I am sleeping better and I have more energy. the liberating feeling of it all? everyone about this product and have made believers out of everyone that has tried it. In September it was at it's Now I just jump up like a little kid. - Diana, I just thought I would let you know how amazing your product is. Please, at least TRY DE. Generally, I am in good health and DE is helping me maintain that status. Began to fall off product for anyone her cholesterol DE for 2 now... Health Benefits of diatomaceous earth, at least 90 % pure and as close 100! With my daily face wash, and I golfed like a little kid diatomaceous! 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