progressive insurance eob explanation codes

Limited to once per quadrant per day. Please Correct And Re-bill. If the KT/V reading was not performed, then the value code D5 with 9.99 must be present without the occurrence code 51. Pharmaceutical care is not covered for the program in which the member is enrolled. Homecare Services W/o PA Are Not Payable When Prior Authorized HomecAre Services Have Been Provided To The Same Member. Supplemental Payment Authorized By Department of Health Services (DHS) Due to a Department Of Justice Settlement. Billing Provider indicated is not certified as a billing provider. This Is Not A Reimbursable Level I Screen. Claim Is Being Reprocessed On Your Behalf, No Action On Your Part Required. The Procedure Requested Is Not Appropriate To The Members Sex. Do Not Bill Intraoral Complete Series Components Separately. The Procedure Code billed not payable according to DEFRA. This Claim Has Been Excluded From Home Care Cap To Allow For Acute Episode. Goals Are Not Realistic To The Members Way Of Life Or Home Situation, And Serve No Functional Or Maintenance Service. These case coordination services exceed the limit. Psych Evaluation And/or Functional Assessment Ser. Reason Code 116: Benefit maximum for this time period or occurrence has been reached. Please Indicate The Dollar Amount Requested For The Service(s) Requested. Remark Code Description: additional explanation of the Remark or Discount Code will appear in this section. Denied/Cutback. Medical Need For Equipment/supply Requested Is Not Supported By Documentation Submitted. This Member Has Already Received Intensive Day Treatment In The Past Year and is Only Eligible For Reduced Hours At This Time. At participating in-network providers, members get everyday savings like 40% off a complete additional pair of prescription glasses or 20% off non-prescription sunglasses. The Surgical Procedure Code is not payable for /BadgerCare Plus for the Date Of Service(DOS). Good Faith Claim Correctly Denied. Claim Is Pended For 60 Days. Amount Recouped For Mother Baby Payment (newborn). Compound drugs require a minimum of two components with at least one payable FowardHealth covered drug. Referring Provider ID is not required for this service. Backdating Allowed Only In Cases Of Retroactive Member/provider Eligibility. Inpatient mental health services performed by masters level psychotherapists or substance abuse counselors are not covered. A Hospital Stay Has Been Paid For DOS Indicated. Pricing Adjustment/ Claim has pricing cutback amount applied. The Fifth Diagnosis Code (dx) is invalid. Service is reimbursable only once per calendar month. Case Plan and/or assessment reimbursment is limited to one per calendar year.Calendar Year. First Other Surgical Code Date is required. This Member is enrolled in Wisconsin or BadgerCare Plus for Date(s) of Service. NDC- National Drug Code is not allowed for the member on the Date Of Service(DOS). Diagnosis Code is restricted by member age. Nursing Home Visits Limited To One Per Calendar Month Per Provider. Denied. It Must Be In MM/DD/YY FormatAnd Can Not Be A Future Date. This procedure is limited to once per day. Claims Cannot Exceed 28 Details. This Modifier has been discontinued by CMS or AMA for the Date Of Service(DOS)(s). Second Other Surgical Code Date is invalid. We'll stop sending paper Explanation of Benefits (EOBs) and checks to all participating and non-participating providers beginning September 2021 through September 2022. The Functional Assessment And/or Progress Status Report Does Not Indicate Any Change, and/or Positive Rehabilitation Potential. Multiple Referral Charges To Same Provider Not Payble. Quantity Billed is missing or exceeds the maximum allowed per Date Of Service(DOS). Member has Medicare Supplemental coverage for the Date(s) of Service. Consent Form Is Missing, Incomplete, Or Contains Invalid Information. Please Resubmit Medicares Nursing Home Coinsurance Days As A New Claim RatherThan An Adjustment/reconsideration Request. 51.42 Board Stamp Required On All Outpatient Specialty Hospital Claims For Dates Of Service On Or After January 1, 1986. Members Aged 3 Through 21 Years Old Are Limited To One Healthcheck Screening per 12 months. Please Supply Modifier Code(s) Corresponding To The Procedure Code Description. Billing provider number was used to adjudicate the service(s). The diagnosis code on the claim requires Condition code A6 be present on the Type of Bill. Reduction To Maintenance Hours. Training Reimbursement DeniedDue To late Billing. A Primary Occurrence Code Date is required. Service paid in accordance with program requirements. Request Denied. Claims With Dollar Amounts Greater Than 9 Digits. Modification Of The Request Is Necessitated By The Members Minimal Progress. Frequency or number of injections exceed program policy guidelines. The drug code has Family Planning restrictions. PDN services billed on this claim exceed 12 hours/day per nurse, PDN services billed on this claim exceed 60 hours/week per nurse, PDN services billed on this claim exceed 24 hours/day per member. Here's how to make sense of your EOB. The Fax number is (877) 213-7258. The Revenue Code is not payable by Wisconsin Well Woman Program for the Date Of Service(DOS). Rqst For An Acute Episode Is Denied. Revenue Code 082X is present on an ESRD claim which also contains revenue codes 083X, 084X, or 085X. Diagnosis Indicated Is Not Allowable For Procedures Designated As Mycotic Procedures. Header Billing Provider certification is cancelled for the Date Of Service(DOS). The Surgical Procedure Code has Diagnosis restrictions. Medication checks by a Psychiatrist and/or Registered Nurse are limited to four services per calendar month. This Procedure Is Limited To Once Per Day. Revenue code submitted with the total charge not equal to the rate times number of units. Insufficient Documentation To Support The Request. Please Correct And Resubmit. Up to a $1.10 reduction has been applied to this claim payment. This claim has been adjusted due to a change in the members enrollment. The Hearing Aid Recommended Is Not Necessary; The Member Could Be Adequately Fitted With A Conventional Aid. Per Information From Insurer, Prior Authorization Was Not Requested/approved Prior To Providing Services. Service not allowed, benefits exhausted occurrence code billed. Understanding Insurance Codes To Avoid Billing Errors - Verywell . This is a same-day claim for bill types 13X, 14X, 71X, or 83X and there are multiple units or combination of chemistry/hemotology tests. The detail From Date Of Service(DOS) is invalid. Condition Code 73 for self care cannot exceed a quantity of 15. Missing or invalid level of effort submitted and/or reason for service, professional service, or result of service code billed in error. Assistant Surgery Must Be Billed Separately By The Assistant Surgeon With Modifier 80. The Modifier For The Proc Code Is Invalid. Use This Claim Number For Further Transactions. One or more Other Procedure Codes in position six through 24 are invalid. Dealing with Health Insurance that is Primary to CHAMPVA. This procedure is duplicative of a service already billed for same Date Of Service(DOS). Condition code 70-76 is required on an ESRD claim when Influenza/PPV/HEP B HCPCS codes are the only codes being billed with condition code A6. This claim has been adjusted because a service on this claim is not payable inconjunction with a separate paid service on the same Date Of Service(DOS) due to National Correct Coding Initiative. Medical Necessity For Food Supplements Has Not Been Documented. Not A WCDP Benefit. Non-Reimbursable Service. 1095 and specifies: 14 other insurance indicator missing/invalid 15 payment reduced to spenddown amount 16 your claim was reviewed by dhs. Routine Foot Care Procedures Must Be Billed With Valid Routine Foot Care Diagnosis. 107 Processed according to contract/plan provisions. Units Billed Are Inconsistent With The Billed Amount. The sum of the Medicare paid, deductible(s), coinsurance, copayment and psychiatric reduction amounts does not equal the Medicare allowed amount. PATIENT PAID PORTION USED TOWARDS DEDUCTIBLE. Medicare Claim Copy And EOMB Have Been Submitte d For Processing Of Coinsurance And Deductible. PIP coverage is typically available in no-fault automobile insurance . NUMBER IS MISSING OR INCORRECT 0002 01/01/1900 COULD NOT PROCESS CLAIM. Claim reimbursement has been cutback to reimbursement limits for denture repairs performed within 6 months. Home Health, Personal Care And Private Duty Nursing Services Are Subject To A Monthly Cap. No Separate Payment For IUD. Claim Denied The Combined Medicare And Private Insurance Payments Equal Or Exceed The Lesser Of The And Medicare Allowable Amounts. Home care ongoing assessments are allowed once every sixty days per member.nt, But Arepayable Every Fifty-fourth Day For Flexibility In Scheduling. They might also make a digital copy available . Occupational therapy limited to 35 treatment days per lifetime without prior authorization. Amount Recouped For Duplicate Payment on a Previous Claim. Claim Denied. Incidental modifier was added to the secondary procedure code. The EOB breaks down: No policy override available for BadgerCare Plus Benchmark Plan, Core Plan or Basic Plan. Cannot Be Reprocessed Unless There Is Change In Eligibility Status. This Service Is Covered Only In Emergency Situations. Resubmit charges for covered service(s) denied by Medicare on a claim. Type of Bill indicates services not reimbursable or frequency indicated is notvalid for the claim type. CPT Code And Service Date For Member Is Identical To Another Claim Detail On File For Provider On Claim. The Clinical Profile, Narrative History, And Treatment History Indicate The Recipient Is Only Eligible For Maintenance Hours. No action required. A code with no Trip Modifier billed on same day as a code with Modifier U1 are considered the same trip. The Service Requested Is Not A Covered Benefit As Determined By . CO 7 Denial Code - The Procedure/revenue code is inconsistent with the patient's gender. This dental service limited to once per five years.Prior Authorization is needed to exceed this limit. Header From Date Of Service(DOS) is required. Was Unable To Process This Request. Claim Denied. Payment Recouped. Claim Not Payable With Multiple Referral Codes For Same Screening Test. One or more Diagnosis Codes has a gender restriction. Billing Provider Type and Specialty is not allowable for the Place of Service. This Member, As Indicated By Narrative History, Does Not Agree To Abstinence from Alcohol Or Other Drugs And Is Ineligible For AODA Treatment. Additional Psychotherapy Is Not Considered Appropriate Or Inline With More Effective, Available Services. Header Billing Provider used as Detail Performing Provider, Header Performing Provider used as Detail Performing Provider. Please Indicate Anesthesia Time For Services Rendered. The National Drug Code (NDC) submitted with this HCPCS code is CMS terminated or not covered by the program. CO 9 and CO 10 Denial Code. Denied/Cuback. (National Drug Code). This service is not payable with another service on the same Date Of Service(DOS) due to National Correct Coding Initiative. Traditional dispensing fee may be allowed. Progressive Insurance Eob Explanation Codes. Procedure code missing from bill. Denied due to Detail Add Dates Not In MM/DD Format. Follow specific Core Plan policy for PA submission. Denied due to Statement Covered Period Is Missing Or Invalid. The sum of the Accommodation Days is not equal to the sum of Covered plus Non-Covered Days. The Requested Procedure Is Cosmetic In Nature, Therefore Not Covered By . Quantity indicated for this service exceeds the maximum quantity limit established by the National Correct Coding Initiative. The Member Is Only Eligible For Maintenance Hours. TPA Certification Required For Reimbursement For This Procedure. This Procedure Code Is Not Valid In The Pharmacy Pos System. Dates Of Service For Purchased Items Cannot Be Ranged. One or more Diagnosis Code(s) in positions 10 through 25 is not on file. Services billed exceed prior authorized amount. The Total Number Of Hours Per Day Requested For AODA Day Treatment Exceeds Guidelines And The Request Has Been Adjusted Accordingly. This claim is a duplicate of a claim currently in process. Adjustment To Crossover Paid Prior To Aim Implementation Date. Please Correct And Resubmit. One or more Diagnosis Codes has an age restriction. 0394 MEDICARE CO-INSURANCE AMOUNT MISSING. Service Paid At The Maximum Amount Allowed By ReimbursementPolicies. The Information Provided Is Not Consistent With The Intensity Of Services Requested. Services Billed On This Claim/adjustment Have Been Split to Facilitate Processing. The Functional Assessment Indicates This Member Has Less Than A 50% Likelihoodof Benefit, Therefore Day Treatment Is Not Appropriate. Billing Provider is not certified for Substance Abuse Day Treatment for the Date(s) of Service. Please Correct And Resubmit. 12. The Rendering Providers taxonomy code is missing in the header. Only One Interperiodic Screen Is Allowed Per Day, Per Member, Per Provider. Please Furnish A UB92 Revenue Code And Corresponding Description. Rn Visit Every Other Week Is Sufficient For Med Set-up. An Individual CBC Or Chemistry Test With A CBC Or Chemistry Panel, Performed Per Member/Provider/Date Of Service Must Be Billed w/ Appropriate Panel Code. Two Informational Modifiers Required When Billing This Procedure Code. Pricing Adjustment/ Ambulatory Surgery pricing applied. Please submit claim to HIRSP or BadgerRX Gold. Reimbursement determination has been made under DRG 981, 982, or 983. Do Not Submit Claims With Zero Or Negative Net Billed. Personal care subsequent and/or follow up visits limited to seven per Date Of Service(DOS) per member. This Is An Adjustment of a Previous Claim. Services Can Only Be Authorized Through One Year From The Prescription Date. Timely Filing Deadline Exceeded. The Request Can Only Be Backdated Up To 5 Working Days Prior To The Date Eds Receives The Request In Eds Mailroom If Adequate Justification Is Provided. Once Therapy Is Prior Authorized, All Therapy Must Be Billed With A Valid Prior Authorization Number. Policy override must be granted by the Drug Authorization and Policy Override Center to dispense less than a 100 day supply. Denied. A number is required in the Covered Days field. Claim Denied. The Clinical Status Of The Member Does Not Meet Standards Accepted By The Department Of Health And Family Services For Transplant. Oral exams or prophylaxis is limited to once per year unless prior authorized. Service Denied. Bilateral Surgeries Reimbursed At 150% Of The Unilateral Rate. Please Review All Provider Handbook For Allowable Exception. Service Denied. Rendering Provider Type and/or Specialty is not allowable for the service billed. Denied due to The Member WCDP Id Number Is Incorrect Or Not On Our Current Eligibility File. Physical Therapy Treatment Limited To One Modality, One Procedure, One Evaluation Or One Combination Per Day. This National Drug Code (NDC) has been terminated by CMS for the Date Of Service(DOS). Billed Procedure Not Covered By WWWP. CORE Plan Members are limited to 25 non-emergency outpatient hospital visits per enrollment year. Denied due to Medicare Allowed Amount Required. Request Denied Because The Screen Was Done More Than 90 Days Prior To The Admission Date. Claim Denied. After reviewing your EOB: You can appeal The action you take if you don't agree with a decision made about your benefit. No Substitute Indicator required when billing Innovator National Drug Codes (NDCs). Department of Health Services (DHS) Authorized Payment Is Being Withheld Due toa Department Of Justice Settlement. DRG cannotbe determined. An ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code of greater specificity must be used for the SeventhDiagnosis Code. Procedure Code Changed To Permit Appropriate Claims Processing. Unable To Process Your Adjustment Request due to Provider ID Not Present. Claim Generated An Informational ProDUR Alert, Drug-Drug Interaction prospective DUR alert, Drug-Disease (reported) prospective DUR alert, Drug-Disease (inferred) prospective DUR alert, Therapeutic Duplication prospective DUR alert, Suboptimal Regiment prospective DUR alert, Insufficient Quantity prospective DUR alert. The Procedure Code/Modifier combination is not payable for the Date Of Service(DOS). Claim Denied. TRICARE allowed - the monetary amount TRICARE approves for the. Denied. Denied. eob eob_message 1 provider type inconsistent with claim type . Inpatient Respite Care Is Not Covered For Hospice Members Residing In Nursing Homes. The Revenue Code is not payable for the Date(s) of Service. Service Denied. Referral Codes Must Be Indicated For W7001, W7002, W7003, W7006, W7008 And W7013. Member last name does not match Member ID. WorkCompEDI, Inc. Dental service is limited to once every six months. A valid header Medicare Paid Date is required. Revenue code is not valid for the type of bill submitted. The Pharmaceutical Care Code (PCC) does not have a rate on file for the Date Of Service(DOS). Procedure code - Code(s) indicate what services patient received from provider. Denied due to The Members Last Name Is Missing. Pricing Adjustment/ Spenddown deductible applied. Due To Non-covered Services Billed, The Claim Does Not Meet The Outlier Trim Point. Unable To Process Your Adjustment Request due to Member ID Not Present. Pharmacy Clm Submitted Exceeds The Number Of Clms Allowed Per Cal. All services should be coordinated with the primary provider. Dispensing Two Lens Replacements On Same Date Of Service(DOS) Not Allowed. Denied/recouped. Rebill Using Correct Claim Form As Instructed In Your Handbook. Level And/or Intensity Of Requested Service(s) Is Incompatible With Medical Need As Defined In Care Plan. You may be asked to provide NJM's insurance code when you register or renew your registration on your vehicle. The Members Gait Is Not Functional And Cannot Be Carried Over To Nursing. The Request Does Not Meet Generally Accepted Conditions Requiring Fluoride Treatments. Pricing Adjustment/ Pharmacy dispensing fee applied. Services Submitted On Improper Claim Form. Service Provided Before Prior Authorization Was Obtained Is Not Allowable. The Performing Provider Id, Member Id, And Date Of Service(DOS) Must Match The Completion Certificate Received From Ddes. Claim Denied. The Information Provided Indicates This Member Is Not Willing Or Able To Participate Inaftercare/continuing Care Services And Is Therefore Not Eligible For AODA Day Treatment. (Progressive J add-on) cannot include . The value code 48 (Hemoglobin reading) or 49 (Hematocrit) is required for the revenue code/HCPCS code combination. The Procedure Code is not reimbursable for the Rendering Provider Type and/or Specialty. Critical care performed in air ambulance requires medical necessity documentation with the claim. The Lens Formula Does Not Justify Replacement. Surgical Procedure Code is not related to Principal Diagnosis Code. Individual Replacements Reimbursed As Dispensing A Complete Appliance. Along with the EOB, you will see claim adjustment group codes. Bill The Single Appropriate Code That Describes The Total Quantity Of Tests Performed. Incorrect Or Invalid National Drug Code Billed. A WCDP drug rebate agreement for this drug is not on file for the Date Of Service(DOS). Menu. This Is A Manual Decrease To Your Accounts Receivable Balance. Denied. Procedure Code is not covered for members with a Nursing Home Authorization onthe Date(s) of Service. This Claim Has Been Denied Due To A POS Reversal Transaction. The Member Appears To Be At A Maximum Level For Age, Diagnosis, And Living Arrangement. Please Resubmit. Referring Physician With Credential Other Than Md Is Not Applicable To Type Of Service Provided. A valid Prior Authorization is required for non-preferred drugs. The Surgical Procedure Code is not payable for Wisconsin Chronic Disease Program for the Date Of Service(DOS). Personal injury protection insurance is mandatory in some states and optional or not offered at all in other states. The Medical Necessity For Psychotherapy Services Has Not Been Documented, ThusMaking This Member Ineligible For The Requested Service. 0395 HEADER STATEMENT COVERS PERIOD "FROM" DATE MISSING. Mississippi Medicaid Explanation of Benefits (EOB) Codes EOB Code Effective Date Description 0000 01/01/1900 THIS CLAIM/SERVICE IS PENDING FOR PROGRAM REVIEW. Submitted referring provider NPI in the header is invalid. 7 - REMARK CODE is a note from the insurance plan that explains more about the costs, charges, and paid amounts for your visit. Please Correct And Resubmit. Rimless Mountings Are Not Allowable Through . Denied. what it charged your insurance company for those services. Denied/Cutback. Hearing Aid Batteries Are Limited To 12 Monaural/24 Binaural Batteries Per 30-day Period, Per Provider, Per Hearing Aid. The Billing Providers taxonomy code in the header is invalid. Well-baby visits are limited to 12 visits in the first year of life. Please Furnish An ICD-9 Surgical Code And Corresponding Description. Please Attach Copy Of Medicare Remittance. Please Review The Covered Services Appendices Of The Dental Handbook. Billed Amount On Detail Paid By WWWP. Request was not submitted Within A Year Of The CNAs Hire Date. This Is A Duplicate Request. A split claim is required when the service dates on your claim overlaps your Federal fiscal year end (FYE) date. This Program Does Not Appear To Meet The Minimum Requirement For AODA Day Treatment Programming (10hrs) And Does Not Qualify For Aoda Day Treatment. Provider Is Not A Qualified Provider For presumptively Eligible Recipients. Out of State Billing Provider not certified on the Dispense Date. Header From Date Of Service(DOS) is after the date of receipt of the claim. Claim Denied. Good Faith Claim Denied. Paid To: individual or organization to whom benefits are paid. Denied. Review it for accuracy. Healthcheck screenings or outreach limited to two per year for members betweenthe ages of two and three years. Reimbursement limit for all adjunctive emergency services is exceeded. Service(s) Denied/cutback. Header and/or Detail Dates of Service are missing, incorrect or contain futuredates. Incorrect or invalid NDC/Procedure Code/Revenue Code billed. Please Resubmit using A Approved CPT Or HCPCS Procedure Code. Claim Denied. The Medical Need For This Service Is Not Supported By The Submitted Documentation. This National Drug Code Has Diagnosis Restrictions. Reason Code 117: Patient is covered by a managed care plan . Denied. Multiple Providers Of Treatment Are Not Indicated For This Member. Only one antipsychotic drug is allowed without an Attestation to Prescribe More Than One Antipsychotic Drug for a Member 16 Years of Age or Younger. Provider Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Question Answer How will Progressive accept eBills? Liberty Mutual insurance code: 23043. Pricing Adjustment/ Payment reduced due to the inpatient or outpatient deductible. Newborn Care Must Be Billed Under Newborn Name And Number; Occurrence Codes 50& 51 Cannotbe Present if Billing Under Newborn Name. According To Our Records, The Surgeon For This Sterilization Procedure Has NotSubmitted The Members Consent Form. A Payment For The CNAs Competency Test Has Already Been Issued. According To Our Records, The Hospital Has Not Received Prior Authorization For This Surgery. Service(s) paid in accordance with program policy limitation. Contact Wisconsin s Billing And Policy Correspondence Unit. NDC was reimbursed at generic WAC (Wholesale Acquisition Cost) rate. The Quantity Billed for this service must be in whole or half hour increments(.5) Increments. HCPCS procedure codes G0008, G0009 or G0010 are allowed only with revenue code0771. Only One Federally Required Annual Therapy Evaluation Per Calendar Year, Per Member, Per Provider. The Procedure Requested Is Not On s Files. Prescriber ID and Prescriber ID Qualifier do not match. Outside Lab,element 20 On CMS 1500 Claim Form Must Be Checked Yes When Handling Charges Are Billed. Resubmit Using Valid Rn/lpn Procedure Codes And A Valid PA Number. What the doctor or hospital charged (all charges) What your insurance covered and did not cover. The Members Profile Indicates This Member Is Possibly Alcoholic And/or Chemically Dependent, And Intensive Aoda Treatment Appears Warranted. Changes/corrections Were Made To Your Claim Per Dental Processing Guidelines. Attachment was not received within 35 days of a claim receipt. If The Proc Code Does Not Require A Modifier, Please Remove The Modifier. This Procedure Code Not Approved For Billing. 835:CO*22 615 Denied Incidental Procedure 835:CO*B1 Payment has been reduced or denied because the maximum allowance of this ESRD service has been reached. Other Medicare Part B Response not received within 120 days for provider basedbill. Hospice Member Services Related To The Terminal Illness Must Be Billed By Hospice Or Attending Physician. Lenses Only Are Approved; Please Dispense A Contracted Frame. Recoding/adjusting claim may result in a different DRG code assignmentand reimbursement. HMO Capitation Claim Greater Than 120 Days. The Second Occurrence Code Date is invalid. Claim Detail Denied As Duplicate. How do I get a NAIC number? Denied. Pharmaceutical care code must be billed with a valid Level of Effort. Nine Digit DEA Number Is Missing Or Incorrect. See Provider Handbook For Good Faith Billing Instructions. % Likelihoodof Benefit, Therefore not covered not Process claim in whole or hour! Payable for Wisconsin Chronic Disease program for the Date Of Service ( DOS ) specificity! Provider ID is not Valid in the covered Days field overlaps your fiscal. Illness Must Be Billed Separately by the assistant Surgeon with Modifier U1 are considered same! 01/01/1900 this CLAIM/SERVICE is PENDING for program REVIEW Our Records, the Surgeon for this time in position six 24... Here & # x27 ; s gender s ) Of Service ( DOS ) is required Authorization for this Must. Pa Number Description 0000 01/01/1900 this CLAIM/SERVICE is PENDING for program REVIEW Care Diagnosis performed by masters level psychotherapists substance... Covered Plus Non-Covered Days or Contains invalid Information Eligible Recipients may Be asked provide. For W7001, W7002, W7003, W7006, W7008 And W7013 seven Per Date Of Service ( s Of... Been terminated by CMS for the Date Of Service ( s ) Indicate what Services patient Received Ddes... 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