Thats why there are some obvious signs for any owner to notice whether his/her guinea pig is carrying babies. It is possible to make out fetuses 12 weeks after conception. The signs of pregnancy toxaemia are abrupt onset of depression (quiet, weak, lethargic) and anorexia (not eating). That gives you enough time to attempt breeding after a few weeks when the pig goes into heat. Right now she is munching her Timothy hay, so I just keep an eye on herI just want to know if I can get a full nights sleep tonightlol. 1. Not knowing all the necessary facts about pregnancy in guinea pigs can prove to be a nightmare. In the event that you notice any of these signs, at that point, our recommendation is to take your guinea pig to the vet. But taking in mind the previously mentioned signs you can suspect pregnancy if any one of them is present. If the Mom does not bite off the placenta at the umbilical cord, you can sterilize a pair of cuticle scissors and carefully cut the umbilical cord about 1/2 inch from the babies tummy. Normally, the pregnancy period lasts between 63 and 70 days. Avoid over-feeding Guinea Pig Pregnancy 101: Signs and Care Guide (2022) Do Guinea Pigs Nest Before Giving Birth? Pregnant Guinea Pig Signs of Labor The majority of guinea pigs give birth during daylight. Anyway, knowing best to keep them all quarantined my two females and one male have never interacted. If your guinea pig is pregnant, she may have a single piglet or up to 3 or 4. In fact, you may even wonder if your cavy is actually pregnant. This page might contain affiliate links, which will earn us a commission. Pigs have an average gestation period of 114 days (3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days). Keep in mind that not always the mother can naturally deliver the whole litter without any problems. All rights reserved. Even though there have been situations of guinea pigs giving birth to as much as 8 offspring, the average litter size is 4 baby guinea pigs. If you notice any unusual signs, take your pet to a vet for further analysis. It is essential to make certain this does not happen, thus free access to food and water is vital. Though the front half of her body wont change shape much, the back half of the sow will look adorably huge. Generally, people adopt small babies as pets, who eventually grow up and reach the age of sexual maturity and reproduction. Sooner when the motherly impulse slowly sinks in, they may take up their maternal role. Belly and lower back pain. If you do decide to breed them, ensure your sow is young enough (but not too young) so there are less chances of complications. After each pup pops out, it may take three to five minutes for the other to emerge. Some of the signs to watch out for include: 1. Cavies were initially brought into Europe during the 1500s. The estrous cycle is somewhat typical in means of behavioral changes of the female guinea pig. Enriching the guinea pigs diet with kale, broccoli, green peppers, and parsley is also advised. Your email address will not be published. Nonetheless, here are a few subtle signs to look out for that point to a successful pregnancy: Weight gain after 2+ weeks Increase in food and water intake Mood changes due to rise in hormone level Increase in fatigue, resulting in more sleeping and/or change in sleeping pattern Noticeable enlargement of nipples Usually, the occurrence is 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after giving birth. Thats when the delivery starts and if everything is normal the first pup will come out in about 5 minutes. The female doubles in weight and hence gets bigger in size too during pregnancy. If you measure her weight each week then you should be able to see observable contrast, if she is pregnant. During pregnancy, a thick plug of mucus blocks the cervical opening to prevent bacteria from entering the uterus. The Short-haired Guinea Pig Breeds is the coolest. It breaks my heart because she squeaks at me to pet her & I can't pregnancy hormones make me cry. One more way to detect guinea pig pregnancy is the smell of the pet. As the pregnancy progresses, we will notice that our guinea pig's belly appears larger. The guinea pig gestation period is 59 to 72 days . So, it should not come as a surprise if female and male pups are kept in one enclosure. Keep the fruit limited to a very small piece each week. Legitimate consideration and cautious observing are basic to improve the chances of an effective conveyance. You probably wont see numerous physical and social indications of pregnancy in guinea pigs from the start. . Guinea pigs tend to express every little change in their body. Apart from injuring your sow, they may attempt to mate or impregnate her soon after birth. The milk provides some very important nutrients for the babies. Use our guinea pig gestation calculator to estimate your pets due date based on the date she was bred. A healthy guinea pig should have no problem going through labor. During pregnancy, the cervix stays closed and plugged up with mucus (aptly called the "mucus plug"). At the end of the middle stage, the movement of the babies will become visible under the skin. When your guinea pig is in labor, . Many others survive but with complicationscostly to you, painful to her. All creatures, for instance, will in general eat more according to the changes in climate, when theyre having a development spree, and when theyre experiencing specific diseases. Are you able to feel the outlines of the babies bodies? 3. You wont have the option to tell without a doubt until the guinea pig is analyzed and evaluated by a talented veterinary expert. They should be kept in tranquil surroundings and fed plenty of vegetables. Find The Best Deals on Your Favorite guinea pig Products and Save! Other guinea pigs sometimes act differently around pregnant specimens. This way you can have the record of her weight in order to determine any patterns of weight gain that may be evocative of a pregnancy. The length of the estrous cycle is 16 days. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Normal labor should be short and sweet. Providing a stress-free location for the mom-to-be assures an easier birth.. There should be little or no blood, especially before any babies have been produced. Finally, should you choose to get your cavies spayed or neutered, seek out a vet who has experience with guinea pig surgeries.. Feed your guinea pig horse feed rather than timothy feed with the goal that she gets more protein and calcium. However, even without the mothers milk baby guinea pigs can survive feeding only on solid food. Progesterone production undergoes a luteal to placental shift as in human pregnancy with levels rising during gestation and with labor and delivery occurring without a precipitous decline in maternal progesterone levels. These early labor signs include your baby dropping lower in your pelvis; losing your mucus plug; seeing bloody show; having Braxton Hicks contractions; and experiencing nausea and/or diarrhea. In the best-case scenario, make arrangements to have a visiting vet check her every once in a while. They may also have difficulty breathing and exhibit muscle contractions. The birth canals of these animals are very narrow. Approximately every five minutes, a new pup will be born. If you see your sow bleeding, more than a tablespoon, dripping blood, or many pieces of bloody bedding with no babies, you are best advised to get to a vet. During this period the mothers double her body weight and get a lot bigger. The gestation period in guinea pigs varies between 59 and 72 days. Increased fiber consumption can forestall hair diminishing, which is basic in the last phase of pregnancy. See this how to video as a pig gives birth in a farrowing crate. However, there can be a ton of troubles, particularly if your pet is more than a year old and has never had a litter. Other potential complications are prolapse, retained placenta, uterine tears, etc. Our content is written by knowledgeable small pet owners with years of experience and is based on scientific research and expert recommendations. So you should be able to get some needed rest. Copyright 2023 When a guinea pig is pregnant the pelvic canal stretches as a result of hormonal secretion. Some of the most common signs include: Lumps in the belly: A pregnant female, similar to most mammals, will have an enlarged belly and a group formed of aggregated cells (nodules or lumps) in her belly, which is a sign of a growing fetus. However, there is some variation among different breeds of pigs, either a little longer or a little shorter. I have even felt them grinding their teeth. Then of course I did tons of research as I wanted her healthy, happy and live the longest life possible with my husband and I that she can. She doesn't like the florets (tried them) but I wanna do what is best for her! You should give bigger amounts of water to the mother to be as she will frequently drink more than ordinary. Your vet may confirm the pregnancy through physical examination, and if required, may suggest getting an ultrasound done. Moms may continue to spot for up to 4-5 days after delivery, although 1-2 is more normal. I WILL interfere if she is biting the babies, or attacking them. The guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) displays many features of gestational physiology that makes it the most translationally relevant rodent species. Lessen taking care of a base and doesnt bother her for about fourteen days to the birth. From almost immediately, however, your guinea pig will eat and drink more than expected. There are no surefire signs and no signs during the first half of the pregnancy. However, if youre still in the process of deciding whether to breed her, then heed our advice to not breed her. Yes, it is important to follow these guidelines: Ensure a healthy guinea pig pregnancy by providing nutritious foods for your sow and her pups. One more thing. Typically, only 2 to 4 ova (fertile eggs) are released by the female during the fertile period of the estrous. Around this time, youll notice the female cavy will be physically larger. You may see a moderate broadening of the pelvis, simply before the outer genitalia, during the week prior to birth. If you feel lumps under your fingers this is a sign the female is pregnant. In the pregnant female, the symphysis relaxes and stretches in response to secretion of relaxin by the pituitary gland and endometrium, allowing separation of the pubic bones (Williams 2012, Brower 2006, Martinho 2006). A male guinea pig who can not see or hear his mate may create pressure, making him defenseless to sickness. The female guinea pig reaches sexual maturity at about 2 months of age,her body is anatomically ready to carry ad nourish babies for the next 2 months. This can occur from 2 weeks before until 2 weeks after the birth. . Immediately before pushing some sows lie on their side and lift the upper hind leg. A pig that goes into heat after breeding is an indication that she isn't pregnant. Guinea pigs dont typically create a nest to give birth, but you may want to make a warm, comfortable space for the sow by: Right now, the sows pelvic bone is under a lot of pressure, so minimize handling her to reduce added stress. Europeans found these tamed creatures not long after their appearance in South America. How can you tell if the sow has become pregnant? When all the babies are born, the placenta will emerge, and the mother will eat it as well. Register for free to enjoy the full benefits. During this time, you must keep the boars away from the sows. Here are the 10 most common signs of labor in most women: Nestinga sudden burst of energy. Once the pup is out, she will eat the sac on the pup and begin to clean the pup. Water breaking. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Pregnant guinea pigs will also make a unique groaning sound when they are going into labor. Guinea Pig Death Process Dead or in Shock. If male guinea pigs are in the vicinity, you might see them congregating around a pregnant female just prior to labor. She is on Alfalfa pellets and the fruits are VERY small (about 1 inch cube per day from either tomato, pear or apple). Guinea Pig Pregnancy 101: Signs and Care Guide (2023) by Michelle Dees; January 6, 2021; 5 shares . Those nutrients will nourish her as well as the fetuses and also prevent hair loss. A sow can birth one to six young ones, yet three to four is normal. You should be watchful of the sow, because you really wont notice any difference in her appearance for the first few weeks. What you're looking at in the photo above is the clitoral hood of a gilt, that is to say a female pig who has not yet had a litter. If you see the baby partway out, and the Mom is making no effort to help it, and you are SURE it is a baby, then you can gently try and help maneuver the baby out. Though it may sound hard to believe, the fact is, its true! Maybe Janice will have at least one son so Possum will have a cage mate. There should be one for every baby. The kidney, bladder, or even fecal pellets can all be easily mistaken for fetuses. During the early stage change the usual hay with Alfalfa hay. An expectant sow would suddenly start to drink and eat more as the pregnancy progresses. A good thing is to weigh your female guinea pig on a regular basis (perhaps once a week) and to write down the weight. Most vets recommend that whenever your female guinea pig is gaining weight to bring her for a pregnancy check-up. Lets go over the main points of this ritual to help you determine if your guinea pig might be pregnant.. Guinea pigs eat more when they're pregnant. Leave her in her own cage and move the others, so that she can remain in a surrounding thats familiar to her. You should observe the behavior of the other guinea pigs as well. may be compensated when users click on links and sign-up with their associated offers located in content or anywhere else on the page. Signs of labor include restlessness, nesting behavior or trying to find a suitable position in the farrowing crate or pen by heaping up bedding or digging a shallow area on the dirt. How to tell if your sow is pregnant. It is worth noting that over breeding a guinea pig is dangerous and harmful to her health. Normally, you can spot the fetuses in her womb from around 2 weeks after mating. As in humans, this happens when pups grow and take up more space. As a guinea pig lover myself, I created a list of cute and funny gifts for guinea pig lovers that will surely be appreciated by the receiving party. Lindsay Pereira is a pet-lovin Montral-based writer whos a mommy to Muffy, a grumpy guinea pig with a serious attitude problem, the recently departed Miss Lilly, who is happily nibbling hay in guinea pig heaven. Thats because they dont want other males to approach her. Not only will we dive deeper into how you can actually find out if your piggy might be pregnant and how you can take steps and precautions towards their delivery date. In such a situation, do not force them to tend to her pups as it may escalate things up. These kinds of guinea pigs are the most popular in America and are the breeds most commonly sold in shops. After the 7th week, the movement of the pups will be even more noticeable. Bloody uterine discharge and straining longer than 30 minutes requires a medical examination. Start Now. If the female disproves of her suitor, then she will snap at or bite him to chase him away. Guinea pigs arrive at sexual development at a youthful age 2 months for females and 3 months for males. Consider leaving her in her own environment and move the others so that she can remain in familiar surroundings. Some of the links on this blog are affiliate links. Fruit is high in sugar and can contribute to diabetes. The whole process should take no more than 40 minutes. Most likely, the babies are too big to get out or one of them has punctured the uterus calling for an immediate cesarean section. On the other hand, boars should be at least 34 months old before mating. How To Know when a pig is going into labor. With a contraction, she will reach under her like she is getting a poop to eat, and pull the baby out. Typically, breeding reduces the lifespan of female cavies. I haven't slept well in 3 nights cuz I am worrying about her From the sounds of it, there probably won't be any babies for a few days atleast. The pressure of the unknown can exasperate the threats that go with guinea pig pregnancy. She also needs extra vitamin C; you can give at least 10mg orally. The average number of days female guinea pigs stay pregnant is 65 days. Dilationwidening the opening of the cervix. The whole process from first contraction to last baby can be as short as 15 minutes, and up to 40 minutes depending on how many babies she has. I originally thought 3 little babies, but the more I feel (Marmalade likes when I pet her belly because if I stop, she nibbles me gently until I start petting her belly again) the more I think there might be 4 or even 5. Usually, their pregnancy is non-problematic. Youll need to ensure your pig is getting adequate food, water, and supplements since these things are additionally helping the embryos. Their gestational period may last between 59 - 72 days. All of these signs are included and described as "the first stage of labor". Cessation of this agitated behavior indicates labor has begun. Although you need to be careful not to apply any pressure to the region. With all this said, don't be surprised if your guinea pig falls pregnant while she still . Watch your sow for signs of illness during pregnancy. Notwithstanding, dont assume that your guinea pig is pregnant depending on exactly the amount she is eating or drinking. That way, you get assured of a thriving litter and healthy mother. She may likewise drink more water than normal. Keep in mind that your guinea pig can give birth to up to 14 pups and thats probably more than you can handle! I feel their feet kicking me. Should complications arise, it is extremely important that you have a veterinarian lined up for emergency care before the actual delivery. NEVER try and pull anything out of the Mom. Otherwise, he will be dragging the placenta around. Medical Disclaimer: does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. Joined Jun 13, 2010 Posts 178. . This may result in the delivery of live pigs, the correction of torsion or the piglets may be dead. This will keep your guinea pig from sliding. The gestation period in pigs is 113 to 115 days from the first day of mating. Though you may not be able to gauge their weight difference easily, weigh your pet every day when you think they're pregnant and note the weight changes. My Marmalade is eating and drinking great. The large and growing fetuses can cause a fast breakdown of fats even if the sow hasnt eaten for a brief period of time. If you still decide to breed your guinea pig you shouldnt do it if the pet is more than 7 months of age. If you feel movement in addition to lumpiness, that's a clear sign she is pregnant. Bear in mind that for pups less than eight old, weight gain is a normal sign of growth. Copyright 2023 - VIVO Pets. Lumps may represent piglets, but they can also stand for health problems such as cysts so its a good idea to take them to the vets for a checkup, or advice on how the pregnancy is advancing and health advice. Guinea pig pregnancy week-by-week may sound like a complicated affair to both the novice and experienced cavy parent. Others due to the strain and fatigue require more time to get accustomed. If you hold her carefully by the shoulders when shes on your lap or a towel, then you should be able to softly feel the lumps and bumps if you roll your other hand over her gently. Weigh your sow weekly to be certain she is gaining weight at a regular pace. Does she appear calm or grunts and call out to her piglets? When pregnant the pelvic area relaxes due to the hormonal changes. This is the most exciting period! Nevertheless, be conscious that other things can feel like bumps in the womb. By and large, you can permit the pregnancy to continue regularly, yet ensure you have a vet available in the event that there are complexities. The early stage consists of the first few days after mating. When labor pain strikes, your little friend may become excessively upset, defensive, or frightened. This helps the pups to reserve energy till motherly intuition naturally happens. If you notice a pup with the sac remaining over its face, break the membrane open with your finger nail. Then she will start to clean off the sac from the face, then the body of the baby. I work for an exotic vet and she said keep and eye on her and told me about the toxemia. You should also provide the sow with a stress-free environment. Think about whether your guinea pig was in the contact of a boar. Nonetheless, at this stage, allow the female cavy to eat and drink as much as she would like. Around 12 hours before delivery the mammary glands start to produce milk. Softly press inwards and determine if you sense any lumps or bumps inside her womb. Before pregnancy, the two lovebirds must mate. Vitamin C supplements should be given orally at a regiment of 10 mg a day. Lastly, you'll get the latest potential date for your guinea pig to give birth, which is 72 days from the day of the . Here are some signs that we learned to help determine if your guinea pig is pregnant. A female guinea pigs weight will rise remarkably if shes pregnant. Therefore, if you are uncertain about any new development, consult your vet soonest. Sows do not usually build nests, so provide some soft bedding in the cage. 0. Guinea pigs can especially sexually mature early for animals. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Your vet may likewise hear the piglets pulses in the sows mid-region. How do you know if your cavy is actually carrying pups? There are numerous medical reasons why giving birth can go wrong. Note that if pregnant, your little friends can comfortably carry three to four young ones to term. I know guinea pigs don't. Litter size ranges, with the average being 2-4 pups in rare cases as many as 12-14. Know when a pig is going into labor. If several fetuses are existing, you will feel several bumps spaced across her womb, each of the same size. As a species, they also increase their food intake in the winter. Do not keep pregnant guinea pigs in multi-level cages/hutches as their balance will be impaired by pregnancy, and in the later stages of pregnancy they may not be able to get up to the higher tiers. There should be little or no blood, especially before any babies have been produced. You need to find out whether she is with babies earlier to provide the appropriate level of care for each stage of the pregnancy. Your female guinea was kept with male guinea pigs If your female guinea was kept with male boars, then it is probable that she is pregnant. These short haired "cavies" come in many different breeds; the most popular among them is the American, which is characterized by a roman nose which is slightly rounded. The mother starts producing milk about a week after giving birth to the pups. How much your cavy expands during this time depends on the number of pups shes carrying., Again, if you need to handle your cavy, do so in a gentle manner, grasping her securely yet comfortably, to ensure full support of her body.. In both cases, your pet needs to be seen by a vet. Lastly, it takes about 2-4 weeks to wean guinea pups. There are some signs which you can look at to determine whether your guinea pig is pregnant or not. That way, it becomes much easier to track the pregnancy process and detect health implications. All things considered, the domestication of cavies began in the high countries of Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru. If any of them seem to bother her or tease her, they will need to be put in a separate cage. Guinea pigs usually weigh about 1.5-2 lbs. If your pet squeals as the contractions come or take long to push the pup out, rush them to a dependable vet. But these little critters also mature early both physically and sexually. When the metabolic product reaches harmful concentration in the blood most obvious symptoms are: Commercial urine strips can help you measure the presence of ketones in her urine in the last few weeks of the pregnancy. I can feel her pelvis is widening! Most guinea pigs give birth in the daytime hours. In this case, the medication oxytocin may be given to stimulate uterine contractions to deliver the pups. If he persists, shell dampen his enthusiasm by urinating on him! But to anyone who has thought of breeding.DON'T!!! The whole process from first contraction to last baby can be as short as 15 minutes, and up to 40 minutes depending on how many babies she has. The litter size ranges from 1 to 8 pups, but a litter of 2 to 4 is more common. In reality, close to 20% of expectant sows die while giving birth. Your email address will not be published. I named her Janice. Some sows take up caring for their young ones right away after birth. I am new into guinea pigs and purchased my first one as an impulse buy on May 26. In some cases, you may also be able to feel guinea pig fetuses inside your pet's stomach. If you think that the mating was successful you should start with extra care as soon as possible. Pregnancy is very difficult for guinea pigs, with at least. Be that as it may, since guinea pigs are social creatures, youll need to keep them adjoining each other. Pregnant guinea pigs tend to eat a lot more since they no longer eat just for one individual. The litter size ranges from 1 to 8 pups, but a litter of 2 to 4 is more common. Every pregnancy varies from individual to individual but theres definitely a silver lining, just as with any other space. A pregnant guinea pig's food and water consumption will noticeably increase. On average, the process lasts around one to four hours. Thus she is pregnant. I researched, stressed, slept . The average gestation period for a pig is 110 to 115 days, or just a little longer than 3 months. The daily amount of vitamin C should be tripled, so it is likely that they will require a supplement to their normal feed. You might notice an increase in vaginal discharge that's clear, pink or slightly bloody. The gestation period for pregnant guinea pigs is 60 to 70 days. Prior to labor, sows are restless. Hmmm, wonder how many the hubby will let me keep. The knowledge empowers them to be prepared for any situation, and they can take care of their little friends accordingly. Medical intervention, such as a c-section, is often required for older sows with no previous prior pregnancies. The guinea pig pregnancy is difficult for the animal and has an unpopular 20 percent mortality rate for the mothers. Youll have to carry her in a vehicle confined through treats or her number one vegetables/natural product. 2. There are various signs of pregnancy in guinea pigs. Last Updated on January 25, 2023November 5, 2020 by Danielle. I feel her pelvis widening, but it is at about 2cm as of earlier this afternoon. Female guinea pigs begin a new estrous cycle shortly after giving birth. Remember that guinea pig litters may count 1-6 piglets. 115 days, or just a little shorter should be given orally at youthful..., Ecuador, and they can take care of a boar come out in about minutes! To 4 is more common the domestication of cavies began in the winter than 3 months for males South! Relevant rodent species complications arise, it takes about 2-4 weeks to wean guinea pups in addition lumpiness. ( 2022 ) do guinea pigs and purchased my first one as an Associate... May confirm the pregnancy all things considered, the medication oxytocin may compensated! The main points of this ritual to help you determine if your guinea pig you shouldnt do if. The large and growing fetuses can cause a fast breakdown of fats even if the cavy... 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