The case is Yanez v. Plummer. Depending on the claims, there can be a personal liability. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Reach out early to former-employees who may become potential witnesses. Between Dec. 12, 1996, and May 4, 1997, Davis is accused of anally penetrating a teen in King Cottage at YDC. *This Litigation Minute uses the gender-neutral pronoun their for purposes of inclusivity. In doing so, it discusses the leading case supporting each approach. Although the court made no decision on . Even if an employee is "friendly," the Company will have substantially less control over whether former employees will be available to provide a declaration or to testify at trial. They might also be uncooperative at least at first. Martindale-Hubbell validates that a reviewer is a person with a valid email address. But each jurisdiction is different, and counsel should check the relevant jurisdiction's rules before agreeing to a payment to any deposition or trial witness. at 6. Playing away from home: Do lawyers charged with legal mal have to defend suits out of state? If the witness desires representation, they should then be provided with outside litigation counsels contact information. Counsel must be aware of certain issues that arise depending on what kind of witness is chosen. Thus, an exit interview may be the last opportunity to talk to former employees under the protection of the attorney-client privilege. more likely to be able to represent the corporation well. Karen is a member of Thompson Hines business litigation group. Such cooperation could include preparing for litigation (such as preparing the Company's Corporate representative under Fed. Contact with former managerial employees was addressed at length in Camden v. Maryland [910 F. Supp. Lawyers from our extensive network are ready to answer your question. 36, 40 (D.Mass.1987); Chancellor v. Boeing Co., 678 F.Supp. endstream endobj 69 0 obj <>stream It is often best to reach out early in a dispute to any employee or former employee that may have relevant information - before the employee receives a subpoena or notice of deposition from the Company's adversary. In the Felix case, Judge Hellerstein disqualified the attorney and his firm from representing the company with respect to discrimination claims by two other Saks perfume counter employees. Rather, they are intended to serve as a tool providing practical advice and references for the busy in-house practitioner and other readers. The Law for Lawyers Today is a resource for law firms, law departments and lawyers needing information to meet the challenge of practicing ethically and responsibly. Here youll find timely updates on legal ethics, the law of lawyering, risk management and legal malpractice, running your legal business and more. Corporate defense lawyers want the attorney-client privilege to (1) protect from disclosure their communications with company employees and (2) prevent adversary counsel from questioning these employees outside of a deposition. Assessing the likelihood of disclosure would depend upon weighing such factors as: the positions of the former employees in relation to the issues in the suit;, whether they were privy to communications between the former employer and its counsel concerning the subject matter of the litigation, or otherwise;, the nature of the inquiry by opposing counsel; and, how much time had elapsed between the end of the employment relationship and the questioning by opposing counsel.. Co., 2011 U.S. Dist. In its opinion the court analyzed both pro hac vice principles and the Golden States ethics rules on client solicitation. But Arana recommended that O'Sullivan first obtain the advice of his current employer's in-house counsel before deciding whether he wished for Arana to represent him. While the plaintiffs contended that unless the lawyers were working without any compensation from anyone, the representation is for pecuniary gain, the court disagreed. Ierardi, 1991 WL 158911 at *2. Id. Although it may seem routine, there are certain strategic issues to address before agreeing to represent a former employee for purposes of deposition. Use our Contact Directory to find the right person to help you, Make meaningful connections with our global community of in-house counsel, Become a member of the Association of Corporate Counsel. 1115, 1122 (D. Md. Having a lawyer be the first to reach out is not always the best option. Toretto Dec. at 4 (DE 139-1). Roberts, the attorney for Mater Dei and the diocese, however, in the January 27 motion asked the court to quash the deposition because of "defects in the deposition notice and subpoena" and . Bar Debates Liberalizing Multijurisdictional Practice Courts Propose Mandatory Engagement Letters , Need help? New York Legal Ethics Reporter LLC, Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz, Hofstra University, their representatives, and the authors shall not be liable for any damages resulting from any error, inaccuracy, or omission. In that capacity, Redmond had prepared and signed BSUs response to the plaintiffs EEOC complaint, and had been extensively exposed to communications between the university and its outside counsel. Other courts have held that, since former employees acts or omissions during the course of their employment may be imputed to the corporation, ex parte communication with former employees of a represented corporate party is prohibited. The court granted the motion. Courts in multiple jurisdictions, including Washington and New York, have disqualified outside litigation counsel from representing non-control group employees where it has the effect of improperly preventing informal interviews of such employees by counsel for the opposing party. 956 (D. Md. 66 0 obj <>stream Lawyer represents Plaintiff. Report Abuse Alena Shautsova Partner at Law Offices of Alena Shautsova no peer reviews 100% 2 client reviews Contact 917-475-0420 website Answered on Sep 12th, 2013 at 1:21 PM Depending on the claims, there can be a personal liability. Zarrella counters that Pacific Life's true purpose in offering its former employees representation by its outside counsel is to "coach the witnesses for their depositions and then hide behind the shield of attorney client privilege." Despite the strong majority tide, courts in a significant minority of jurisdictions have held that the no contact rule does protect former employees who fall into one of two categories: (1) former employees who were members of the adversary's management team or control group during their employment, or who were "confidential employees," or who Although the district courtIndeed, if a witness who is approached for an allowed the law firm to represent the formerinterview tells the investigating agent that he is employees along with Occidental, it enjoined therepresented by an attorney (even one who happens to firm from mailing the proposed notices to the formeralso be X's attorney), the But, argued the defendants, the Ohio lawyers did have a preexisting professional relationship with the employees, because they were all former managers of the client. listings on the site are paid attorney advertisements. 9"(=!5}'gHRs2%GH/XadHGxt^(_%|OtMD>)o8-o An adversarys former employees are often the most valuable witnesses in litigation. Ethical rules often prohibit joint representation of a corporate employee in a deposition when the witness faces potential liability for their* own conduct in connection with the facts underlying the litigation. For more information, read our cookies policy andour privacy policy. They neglected to provide retainer agreement which tell me that former employee did not retain them. By reducing the employee's travel, it should help ease the disruption and time lost from work for depositions. Accordingly, the opinion states that "a lawyer representing a client in a matter adverse to a corporate party that is represented by another lawyer may, without violating Model Rule 4.2, communicate about the subject of the representation with an unrepresented former employee of the corporate party without the consent of the corporation's . "A corporate employee who does not qualify as an officer, director, or managing agent is not subject to deposition by notice. You should treat everyone . However, if the person is no longer employed by the company, any discussions with the witness could be discoverable. O'Sullivan contacted Toretto to seek his advice and O'Sullivan requested that attorney Arana contact him. Former employer is being sued and I am being asked to give a deposition on their behalf, what happens if I don't? The first step in preparing for a corporate representative deposition is reviewing and analyzing the scope of the deposition notice. For the deposition of an employee, limited representation may include meeting with the employee in advance and evaluating and advising the employee whether their potential testimony could result in criminal or civil liability. deciding whether lawyers' communications with a client's former employees should be protected by the attorney-client privilege. A case addressing both categories is Armsey v. Medshares Management Services, Inc. [184 F.R.D. The key is whether a former employee was (or is) a member of the litigation control group. New Jerseys Rule 4.2 defines that group as follows: Members of the litigation control group shall be deemed to include current agents and employees responsible for, or significantly involved in, the determination of the organizations legal position in the matter whether or not in litigation, provided, however, that significant involvement requires involvement greater, and other than, the supplying of factual information or data respecting the matter. This publication/newsletter is for informational purposes and does not contain or convey legal advice. Id. In their applications for pro hac vice admission, the Ohio lawyers identified the defendant as the party they represented. I am concerned that by giving a deposition, it could only hurt me personally, since I am not represented by my former firm's council. Or they simply may not care what happens to the Company. Keep in mind that relevant individuals go beyond just the one or two "key players," and that a business person may have a different perspective as to who is "key" than counsel. . You are more than likely not at risk since you have not been sued. There, the plaintiffs asked the courts permission to conduct ex parte interviews with five former employees of defendant Medshares, including a former in-house counsel, a former Vice-President of Managed Care, and three former non-management employees. swgsm2wD~UH(>$(#7GqkkMJic\v; %Vc ::Bj. Rather, if Rule 4.2 is to be applied to former employees at all, a rational approach should be employed whereby the propriety of the ex parte contact is determined by assessing the actual likelihood of disclosure of privileged materials, not a nebulous fear that such disclosure might occur. These and other questions vary with circumstances and the risk/benefit analysis must ultimately be left to the judgment of the lawyer. The court refused. But information given to the former employee by the attorney, of which that employee did not have personal knowledge, would not be privileged. Also consider requiring the employee to inform the Company if they are contacted by any party about potential or pending litigation against the Company.Care must be taken to ensure that any such compensation for cooperation in giving testimony be (1) provided expressly to compensate the former employee for her time and expenses, rather than the fact of testimony itself, and (2) in an amount that is commensurate with the former employee's earnings (or earnings potential) at the time the testimony is given. It is hard to imagine an opinion that gives less advance guidance to a litigator. However, the Camden decision did not settle Maryland law regarding former employees. Property management companies should work with the attorneys representing the HOA to prepare one or more witnesses to speak on the designated topics. But the court denied the motion, declining to read the lawyers admission status so narrowly. In addition, after leaving the Federal government, DOJ employees can and should continue to contact the Deputy Designated Ethics Official of their former component when they need advice about their post-government employment limitations. [2]. Though DR 7-104 (A) (1) applies only to communications with . In fact, deposition testimony can also be used in court at trial. And even if the lawyers lacked a prior relationship with the former employees, said the court, they steered clear of a Rule 7.3 violation because they did not solicit for pecuniary gain. Instead, they represented the former managers as part of their representation of the defendant, without any additional compensation from the employees themselves, the court ruled. As recognized by the Supreme Court, attorney anti-solicitation rules are primarily intended to protect the prospective client from overreaching and undue influence. So, my questions are: 1) Can they attach me to the suit personally, even though I was acting on behalf of the firm when we terminated the contract? Zarrella's counsel asked attorney Arana if he would coordinate the scheduling of the depositions and whether he would accept service of the subpoenas on the witnesses' behalf. Despite the strong majority tide, courts in a significant minority of jurisdictions have held that the no contact rule does protect former employees who fall into one of two categories: (1) former employees who were members of the adversarys management team or control group during their employment, or who were confidential employees, or who were extensively exposed to the adversarys confidential or privileged information during their employment; and (2) former employees whose acts or omissions during their employment were imputed to the former employer for liability purposes, or whose statements about their activities are considered binding admissions against the former employer under the rules of evidence. By in-house counsel, for in-house counsel. Indeed, some state courts have applied a bright-line rule denying privilege claims with respect to Company counsel's communications with former employees. The following year, in Davidson Supply Co. v. What this means is that notes, correspondence, think pieces, hR]K0+,i1"bCL\3&&'\8` >q",,}cc]WP TXZ=.]FcTc:u#`%Wz(1Xpj,Nm:GX.2HdBXj0TmL0tyyNy`pD4A|*)X\\ mdER'U[x@<8Rvf6NNw)8\:GM&~y4_M}~u]"">* y$ Bishop and Miller elected to have Pacific Life provide counsel for their depositions, and Schafer indicated that he wished to retain his own independent counsel, and he did so.***. Access informative, hands-on articles from the premiere publication for in-house counsel, by in-house counsel. [Emphasis added.]. For more than a century, Thompson Hine has been committed to excellence on behalf of our clients, our people and the communities in which we live and work. ***. Eleventh Circuit: A district court may not sanction a party because of misconduct by its attorney that is not fairly attributable to the party. Zarrella argues that by offering to represent (and by so representing) Pacific Life's former (high-level) employees at their depositions, Pacific Life's counsel has violated Florida Rule of Professional Conduct Rule 4-7.4(a), which provides in pertinent part: (a) Solicitation. Moreover, as one district court observed in denying a motion to disqualify the defendant's counsel from representing the defendant's former employees based on an alleged violation of the state anti-solicitation rule, "[s]uch a delay causes the Court to question whether Plaintiff's motion was brought for tactical purposes rather than to address any ethical violations." I am now being requested to give a video deposition in the case, representing my former firm. Ohralik v. Ohio State Bar Ass'n, 436 U.S. 447, 464-65 (1978). Id. Short of controlling precedent to the contrary, counsel should assume that communications with former employees are not privileged. After all, the privilege does not belong to, and is not for the benefit of, the former employees Thus, efforts to induce or listen to privileged communications may violate Rule 4.4 which requires respect for the rights of third persons., 2. Reach out early to former-employees who may become potential witnesses. hZn7@_ @6@5[huy5Xh4HQEz lMOYPtRST>lbnnjovomJo a@s ?o~6/+f3q)D>+kr1~9Zfv5UtQyhTT#(&)$j_46.#c,t}D@dX.ebV42,KrLC{O4>C&p+}csXRl")sQf(nrd#8as-ZhJ7H/`P4p0 |#Z#nuWi6|K>,PyVy4`cpWB(\FGg>Yg\RA## EPa}bW++R1d2!testqzI=cyx}A.4 *s#lX*"]B4Wzv#bY7XWSbeT+# former employee were privileged. Thus, lawyers litigating in New Jerseys state or federal courts must abide by New Jerseys unique rules when seeking to communicate with an adversarys former employees. Zarrella, however, did not then object or suggest that such representation was in any way improper to either Pacific Life's counsel or this Court; rather, it proceeded to depose Bishop. If the former employee is willing to be represented by Company counsel, or by independent counsel at the Company's expense, then advise the former employee to tell your adversary to contact the former employee's counsel--and to say nothing else. Limiting the scope of the joint representation may narrow the scope of what confidential information is considered material.. These resources are not intended as a definitive statement on the subject addressed. Employees leaving a company are also likely to throw out documents or purge email files. R. Civ. . This list provides ten tips to help counsel manage the Company's risk when interacting with former employees. If you do get sued, then the former firm's counsel will probably represent you. An Unaffiliated Third Party Has No Duty to Preserve Evidence for a Litigant Compliance with Law Is a Valid Defense to a Spoliation Motion. The plaintiffs argued that the Ohio lawyers PHV admission to represent defendant meant just that, and did not include representing non-party witnesses. The ABAs influential ethics committee soon echoed the Niesig dicta. The information herein should not be used or relied upon in regard to any particular facts or circumstances without first consulting a lawyer. For a more thorough discussion, see Annotation, Right of Attorney to Conduct Ex Parte Interviews with Former Corporate Employees, 57 A.L.R.5th 633 (1998). In addition to the ethical rules, courts consider whether a corporate party is exerting undue pressure on a witness to accept joint representation, or whether the offer of joint representation is merely a pretext for blocking an opposing partys access to a witness through the attorney-client privilege. Providing for two lawyers (for both the employee and employer) doubles the cost. She is a member of the Ohio Supreme Courts Commission on Professionalism, a former chair of the Certified Grievance Committee of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, and a member and past chair of. Give the deposition. In Glover, Lydia Glover (Glover) brought a retaliation claim under Title VII against her former employer, the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED), claiming that she was fired because of her deposition testimony in a Title VII lawsuit. The court concluded that the privilege still protected from disclosure any privileged information obtained by the employee during the period of his employment. The defense attorney should employ good sleuthing skills, including perhaps employing a private investigator, to identify, interview and potentially defend former employees at deposition and to develop . People who submit reviews are either individuals who consulted with the lawyer/law firm or who hired the lawyer/law firm and want to share their experience of that lawyer or law firm with other potential clients. 1996).]. Additionally, Zarrella does not dispute that it knew approximately two weeks before Miller's June 1, 2011 deposition that Pacific Life intended to represent Miller at his deposition. . Zarrella first objected to the representation of Pacific Life's former high-level executives by Pacific Life's counsel when it filed the instant Motion on June 15, 2011. . First, the representation of a party and an independent witness arguably may be narrowly distinguished from Guillen on the basis that there is at least some prior relationship between a corporate defendant and its former employee, or between the defendant city and its non-party witness/city employee. Okla. April 19, 2010). As an employee of a company which is a party to a lawsuit, you may be required by your employer to appear for a deposition. AV Preeminent: The highest peer rating standard. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome and Martindale-Hubbell accepts no responsibility for the content or accuracy of any review. Later, they phoned a number of the defendants former employees and offered to represent them at their depositions, after they were subpoenaed to appear as non-party witnesses. A lawyer shall not permit employees or agents of the lawyer to solicit on the lawyer's behalf. This could be accomplished by simply interviewing the former employees with firsthand knowledge and relaying that information in the deposition. Avoiding problems starts before employees become "former." Copyright 2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. At that point, the nature and results of the inquiry can be examined and an appropriate remedy fashioned for any breach of ethics and/or other relevant rules governing discovery or admission of evidence. The ruling applies to any out-of-state employee, whether in another U.S. state or a foreign country. The court phrased the issue before it as whether these former employees of Medshares should be considered represented parties, whom the Plaintiffs attorneys should not contact ex parte. The court described this as an issue of first impression in Virginia, and noted that state and federal courts in other jurisdictions had split three ways on whether ex parte communication with the former employees of represented corporate parties is permissible: Some courts have held that, since a former employee can no longer speak for the corporation and, therefore, cannot make statements that could become vicarious admissions of the corporation, ex parte communication with former employees of a represented corporate party is permissible. The Merrill court then held that a former employee, such as the former police officer, is not in a position to bind his or her former employer. Even if you never end up reaching out to every employee, it is important to understand the scope of who may become relevant. The content of the responses is entirely from reviewers. Proc. Note that, given that he or she may still be reacting to the news that he or she may become embroiled in a legal dispute, and that it may not be clear how aligned the employee is with the Company and its position, a first call may not be the best time to begin discussing the dispute's substance (especially given the privilege concerns, see points 5 and 8). Zarrella argues that by offering to represent (and by so representing) Pacific Life's former (high-level) employees at their depositions, Pacific Life's counsel has violated Florida Rule of Professional Conduct Rule 4-7.4 (a), which provides in pertinent part: (a) Solicitation. A sizeable majority of other state and federal courts around the country agree with Niesig and the ABA that the no-contact rule does not apply to former employees. Yes, a party can notice and take the deposition of a former employee or any other witness that may have information pertinent to the case. Use a Current or Former Employee or an Outsider Counsel will have to determine whether to select a current employee, a former employee, or a stranger to the corporation as the 30(b)(6) wit-ness. COMMUNICATIONS WITH FORMER EMPLOYEES. In many cases, it makes sense for the Company to offer to provide the former employee counsel. . Weve pointed out before (here and here) that being admitted pro hac vice requires you to be alert for potential issues that might have an impact on your ability to practice away from home. Mich. 2000), for example, the court declined to extend the attorney-client privilege to a former employee, but noted an exception for communications about subject matter that is "uniquely within the knowledge of the former employee when he worked for the client corporation, such . A deposition is a questionandanswer session between the attorneys to a lawsuit and a witness (the deponent) where the witness's answers are given under oath, taken down in writing by a court reporter and used by the attorneys to prepare for trial. City Employee will be a witness. There are few bright-line rules when it comes to jointly representing current and former employees or other non-party witnesses. Note that any compensation for cooperation could be used to undermine the employee's credibility. ***As requested, attorney Arana contacted O'Sullivan and indicated that he (Arana) could represent him (O'Sullivan) at his deposition if he so desired. Give the deposition. All other employees, the court said, may be interviewed informally. Turning specifically to former employees, the Court of Appeals made a sweeping statement: DR 7-104(A)(1) applies only to current employees, not to former employees Thus, in New York, former employees are not protected by the no-contact rule. In Niesig, therefore, the New York Court of Appeals added, the cautionary note that, while we have not been called upon to consider questions relating to the actual conduct of such interviews, it is of course assumed that attorneys would make their identity and interest known to interviewees and comport themselves ethically. In Dubois v. Gradco Systems [1991 U.S. Dist. The Ohio lawyers eventually represented eight former employees at depositions. The deposition may also take place at the court reporter's office if it's more convenient to the parties. 5. What are the different Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Ratings?*. 2d 948, 952 (W.D. He also disqualified the law firm . If counsel reaches out first, but does not receive a (positive) response, a former colleague still at the Company may have more success. Verffentlicht am 23. But, relying heavily on a preliminary draft of the Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers, the court decided to expand the no-contact rule to cover a person whom the lawyer knows to have been extensively exposed to relevant trade secrets, confidential client information, or similar confidential information of another party interested in the matter. The court explained its reasoning as follows: Where the risk of breaching protected areas is great, prophylactic provision must be made for monitoring. Consider whether a lawyer should listen in on this initial call. #."bs a The following are important clauses for such. If you fail to honor a lawful subpoena, you could go to jail for contempt of court. Distinguished: An excellent rating for a lawyer with some experience. Clients rank us among the top firms in the United States for client service year after year, and we are proud of the accolades we have earned in recognition of our capabilities and leadership. prior to the 2004 reorganization and therefore refer to the former CDA sections. This can be accomplished if either organizational counsel is present to object or if the court has set appropriate ground rules in advance. Discussions between potential witnesses could provide opposing counsel material for impeachment. The court recognized that most courts said the no-contact rule did not protect former employees, but noted that some courts had extended the rules protection to former confidential employees. The court resolved this split by concluding: In our view, a per se proscription against ex parte contact with former employees of an opposing party such as defendant asks us to adopt is not warranted by either the language of Rule 4.2 or by any court decision interpreting it. The Client Review Rating score is determined through the aggregation of validated responses. Enter the password that accompanies your username. advice, does not constitute a lawyer referral service, and no attorney-client or In examining the scope of the no-contact rule, this article will look at various jurisdictions because, under New Yorks DR 1-105(B), the choice of law rule added to the New York Code of Professional Responsibility in mid-1999, your conduct during pending litigation is ordinarily governed by the ethics rule of the state where the tribunal sits. Using one lawyer also deters a defendant from potentially entering into another settlement with the plaintiff after their employment ends or the case has been settled. The question is whether you are being directly adverse to a current client (A) in violation of Model Rule 1.7(a)(1). The motion to disqualify grew out of a putative class action based on wage-and-hour claims against a retailer. endstream endobj 70 0 obj <>stream Former employees who are not represented by counsel automatically fall under the protection of the rule regarding communications with an unrepresented person. The Court found that Niesig only restricted contact by counsel with employees of a represented party who are in a position to bind that party. 2023 Joseph Hage Aaronson LLCDisclaimer | Attorney Advertising Notice | Legal Notice, RICO 1964(c): Where Federal and State Law Conflict, State Law Does Not Control in Determining Whether Plaintiff Suffered Injury to Business Or Property for RICO Purposes, Rule 11 Unequivocal Request to Withdraw Action Without Prejudice Within 21 Days of Motion Satisfies Safe Harbor, Even If Action Not Formally Dismissed Until After 21-Day Period Has Expired No Requirement to Agree to Dismiss With Prejudice, Merely Not Following Through With Notice To File Rule 11 Motion Is An Insufficient Basis on Which to Conclude That The Threat Was Meritless But It Is Some Evidence, Spoliation Rule 37(e) Even If Document Retention Policy Violated, Additional Evidence of Bad Faith May Be Required for an Adverse Inference Instruction, Inherent Power: Does the Clear-and-Convincing Standard Apply to the Inherent Power to Sanction or Only to the Inherent Power to Vacate a Judgment for Fraud on the Court? 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