Purchase your copy online from The Book Depository (free delivery worldwide),Barnes & Noble (USA)orWaterstones (UK)or order from your local bookstore. If you search for it on booksellers websites, it tells them. None of the prescribed offerings and sacrifices, including burnt offerings and sin offerings were your request In fact, so many of the things I believed about God were programmed into me by religious doctrines and theological understandings which I know now were never true. This may encourage them to stock it (and maybe even discount it). interactive modular subscription programme developed by Mike Parsons. The cost of the full intensive is72(inc VAT). However, recently I have become much less systematic and much more relational, so that rather than trying to fix myself, or renew my mind, or sort myself out, or deal with my DNA, genetic lines or generational lines, I just let the Father deal with it. [You can find the original post in the comments. To start with, it wasnt accepted and they were called cranks, but eventually some more mainstream scientists also discovered that light was slowing down. This can be variable some people can meet. When we become Christians, we enter into a relationship with God in which we are no longer in first place: He is. Satan offered them the opportunity to gain knowledge without God. Downloadable video, audio and PDF files will be added later all included in the livestream price. He just hugged me, for months. Our Patreon patrons give a small amount each month and can join us for our monthly group Zooms, get exclusive or early access to Mikes teaching and enjoy further patron-only benefits. Prodigal Son activation (from 267. What loving Father would ever eternally punish His children like that! Creation itself will inevitably be set free from its bondage and slavery to the corruption of our sonship by the revealing of the true mystic sons of God who have arisen and are shining with loves light. Meanwhile we also need to deal with the soul. *Technology permitting: automated process on completion of online registration form and payment plan setup. Yet much of our preaching of the gospel, particularly in an evangelical setting, has been the opposite of that. freedomarc.org/product/meditation-for-rest/. So whilst my spirit is flowing from the Holy Spirit, and the purposes of God for my life and my destiny, my flesh has tried to get in the way and has to be brought into line. My Journey Beyond Beyond is Mike Parsons autobiographical record of deep calling to deep, the pursuit of intimacy with God. the Ancient of Days came and judgment was passed in favor of the saints of the Highest One, and the time arrived when the saints took possession of the kingdom(Dan 7:22). Mike Parsons examines the reasons for this confusion, exposing the Great Deception that lies behind it, and proposing instead a happy eschatology in which all of Gods children can recognise and fulfil their eternal destiny. Mike Parsons Speaker and author, creator of the Engaging God programme and presenter of Mystic Mentoring on YouTube. It is available in paperback from your favourite local or online bookseller, and as an ebook from our website. Some of them are even free! Patreon will then continue to collect your pledge each calendar month on (or as close as possible to) the same date until you cancel in your Patreon account. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please (Gal 5:17). He served more than 22 years in law enforcement as the sheriff of Polk County. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. Cost: 5 GBP (typically less than $7 USD depending on exchange rate). and if you will perform My service, Please note that we are now inviting you to take part in the full release of the programme, not the alpha or beta test groups]. That again was something the Father said to me: Are you trying to please me? and of course I said yes because I was! We need to wake up and take hold of who we are as the sons of God. For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Daniel 7:18 tells us that the saints of the Highest One will receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, for all ages to come. You have to realise that not every voice you hear is God. The God that I now know is so much better than the previous one I thought I knew. It is the same with your spirit. (Hebrews 10:5-6, 8-9). If we are in the seventh millennium, then why isnt there rest? Even after Jesus returns, and we go into the age to come, the kingdom will go on increasing. Then if you don't think it's for you, you can cancel before the end of the free trial and never pay a penny. Mike shares and reflects upon the journals of his daily encounters with God in the heavenly realms. The ministry entrusted to us is to share the good news of the unconditional love, inclusion and reconciliation that God has already brought about in Jesus! Mike Parsons FREE video series for 2022/3. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Proverbs 3:5). All original material on this blog is subject to copyright. He chose to say, Not My will, but Yours be done even when His flesh, His soul, looked into what it was going to have to carry. However, if you contact us, we will get back to you with a simple means of giving. In the end I just gave up doing that. We include full instructions for importing the file to Kindle and other e-reader devices and apps when you purchase the ebook. I often went on adventures, sometimes with my friends but mostly on my own, and would come back with some treasure usually a creature that I had captured to be added to my personal zoo. They are smiling and enjoying talking about you; because they are talking about who they know you to be, rather than who you think you are. He has it all in hand. Subscribe today to Engaging God, online equipping for a Joshua Generation. If you search for it on booksellers websites, it tells them that there is a demand for the book. We are who He says we are, so His love enables us to be face to face with Him without fear (because perfect love casts out fear). It is not as if we have crossed over into this millennium and now everything is at rest. For recordings, please go to https://freedomarc.org/engagingfather. This is a New Testament scripture now, saying the same things about Jesus rule, His kingdom. [If video does not play, view it on YouTube]. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Making ourselves feel good, using food, shopping, sex, drugs, alcohol. They are continually striving for something that already belongs to them; and if they would just stop, they would discover what it is to receive and be at rest. Yes, God is love, but He is also righteous. As if His righteousness contradicts His love! Your spirit grows stronger through exercise; spiritual exercises train and equip your spirit to connect with God, to flow in revelation, and to rule in your life. He knows all things and He is everywhere. That is why Paul writes to the mostly non-Jewish believers in Ephesus, So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of Gods household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit(Eph 2:19-22). I am a happy heretic, enjoying skiing down the slope of orthodoxy to discover and explore a whole new vista beyond the limits of my understanding. Of course I should! Engage God through Jesus (the Way, Truth and Life) in the realms of heaven and within your own spirit and heart; and take up your responsibility as a mature son [daughter] in Gods kingdom. Now thankfully He did not do that all in one go because it would have completely shattered my mind (which is why the Father has therefore deconstructed my thinking and greatly expanded my consciousness). But the nature of God is to want to bless everyone and everything and bring about good in their lives. We tend to think God has an agenda that He is wanting us to accomplish. And because He is an eternal being, that means He will never stop, so God and love will never fail. I am only responsible to be who I am created to be. Back in August 2015 I wrote an article alerting people to the fact that a man called JOHN CROWDER was coming to 'minister' in Ballyclare and that article can be . Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd. Freedom Apostolic Resources, Freedom Apostolic Resource Centre, FreedomARC and Freedom ARC are trading names of Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd., a not-for-profit company registered in England. Thank you! Pathway of Relationship Selfishness is wanting to put myself first above everybody else, whereas when Jesus came He said, I have not come to be served, but to serve. That is a completely different attitude, and I should also seek to serve rather than be served. Intimacy with the Father/Dancefloor/Mountain rule I think He was trying to get over the point that there is no formula: you have the Fathers heart, now express it through who you are. We tend to put a higher value on religious activities than God does. This Freedom ARC blog Jesus conquered sin and death with love. In the end, I stopped asking what are we going to do? because I started to enjoy being, and being in His presence, without the agenda. That state of being, immersed in that unconditional love, limitless grace and triumphant mercy, is an expanded state of consciousness, an awareness that forms the foundation of everything we think, feel and do. Company number 10359676. I am now an atheist to the god I previously worshipped as he never existed other than as a figment of my religious imagination. Anyone who is married knows that when you get married, life does not revolve around you as a single person any more. It always gets us in a mess. And yet for most of my life I unknowingly tried to live in that same Old Covenant system by doing the very things that I should have left behind. I would love to have a real six-pack, and the body of Mr Universe, but I have not got the discipline to go in and train myself to do it. Lets focus on being an expression of love ourselves. This is not about there being a long period of evolution: I do not believe in evolution. And all of us have been programmed by what we have been taught, it is not restricted to religion: you could be brought up in an atheist household and programmed to believe that God does not exist or you could be brought up in religious settings which determined what you believe about God and the Bible (and everything else). We and all mankind are included in it. Living in dual realms think and be There are three tiers: All tiers will be able to join a monthly live Zoom gathering, where I will share, lead activations and be open for Q&A. Well, His grace goes way beyond hyper: it is limitless! Online equipping for a Joshua generation - our interactive modular subscription programme developed by Mike Parsons. OurPatreon patronsgive a small amount each month and can join us for our monthly group Zooms, get exclusive or early access to Mikes teaching and enjoy further patron-only benefits. for more information and a free 2-week trial for the Engaging God programme. Yes, His love is a purifying, refining fire, a consuming fire: it will consume every hindrance and objection and anything that comes in the way of us entering into the depth of unconditional love. Nothing of any eternal value or significance can be done apart from Jesus; apart from Him who dwells in our spirit, and flows through our life. Our goal is to help the sons of God to arise as the Joshua generation and be equipped and ready to mentor the next generation in sonship. The latest book (and ebook) by Mike Parsons is out now! Activations with Mike Parsons - FreedomARC Activations with Mike Parsons New: activations from blog posts 267-270. Here is the amazon.com link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1789630088/. There is nothing good about our flesh whatsoever. Engaging The Father) Psalm 23 Green Pastures activation (from 268. *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we are unable to offer a click to donate option. Lets not lay that Old Covenant foundation in the New Covenant: the only foundation of the new covenant is love. There is no guilt, shame or condemnation within unconditional love: they are just religious concepts which will keep us coming back for more religion. Through his YouTube Mystic Mentoring videos, books, blog posts, conferences, personal speaking engagements and most of all through the. All this was of Gods design, in order hopefully to inspire others that nothing is impossible with a God who often chooses the foolish things of this world. All 29 sessions are now available completely free of charge. That will dial everything down so that all (all people, all beings, all things throughout creation) can begin to discover Gods original intention and purpose for them, which is what will be restored in the restoration of all things. Or you can click the blue button to email us about making a one-time donation. Engagement around the Arc for mandates Many people have had involuntary or ecstatic Throughout my life, I have resonated with the mind-expanding possibilities of science fiction, Star Wars, Star Trek, the Marvel superhero universe comics and, more recently, films. Or you can use the blue button to contact us about making a one-time gift. Courts of Heaven - Mike Parsons in NW Ekklesia 28,099 views Dec 21, 2016 Get an overview of the courts of heaven, and learn how to function in the court of accusation for your. All these are all religiously-programmed statements that I used to believe, because I had never experienced the contrary. Am I trying to please God by the way I live? The encounters, like explosions of truth, destroyed my religiously framed construct to reveal a God who is I AM that I AM: pure, unadulterated, unconditional love. So that religious deception alters and denigrates Gods character and makes love able and willing to punish us not to discipline or correct us, but to bring retribution upon us. Full access to all available 'Engaging God' modules, charged at 36 GBP every 3 months. *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we are unable to offer a click to donate option. Today, Governor Parson announced that the Coordinating Board for Higher Education voted to select Dr. Bennett Boggs as the new Commissioner of the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development (DHEWD). Personally, I dont really hold too much to the thousand years as seasons theory, that now were in the 7th millennium, we are in the season of rest. Psalm 23 All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you. (John 16:15). Includes many exercises for practice. And then we can live loving. Join Facebook to connect with Mike Parsons and others you may know. Our spirit needs to be strong to lead, direct and guide us in our everyday life so that we will notcarry out the desires of the flesh. So the fact is that we have already been reconciled in Christ, we have already been made righteous in Christ, we have already been made holy in Christ. There will probably need to be three volumes to cover the vastness and extent of my journey but lets begin. 21,017 views Aug 18, 2019 551 Dislike Share Save EKKLESIA with Anna Wingate 7.15K subscribers NW Ekklesia is a family of believers who claim Jesus Christ as our Lord. When we are born again and our spirit comes alive, that has to change. There is nothing that limitless grace cannot deal with or overcome. Today, Governor Parson announced that he has selected Evan Rodriguez, 28, to serve as General Counsel for the Office of the Governor effective March 1, 2023. River of Life When we rest in love, we can be an expression of love ourselves. That really doesnt seem to be the experience of most people. All rights reserved. Religion, even though it will probably have you read that Bible verse, will tell you the opposite, that there is something that can separate you from the love of God: your choice. Note: you can purchase any or all of the Engaging God modules if you wish, but a subscription is much more cost-effective. 17 talking about this. The cross was an amazing love transaction that dealt with the legal consequences of mankinds lost identity. Therell also be some bonus teaching sessions within the second tier. conferences for 2018. Ive still plenty to share and I loveanswering questions and mentoring people to help them engage God directly and fulfill their destiny. A funeral service will be held on Thursday, March 2nd 2023 at 4:00 PM at the same location. This deception is what creates this false hell narrative in which such a god would torture his children eternally. Check out Mikes YouTube video How To Enter The Spiritual Realm And Interact With God. Become a Patreon patron! In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will (Ephesians 1:4-5). event of 2018. on 282. There is no place for selfishness or self-centredness in that. 6. So we now receive all the benefits, all the promises, because of what Jesus has done. I dont buy into that anymore. God just wants us to be, and the more we can just be, the more everything flows out of being. We live in a new age, in a New Covenant that Jesus made with the Father. Wait on the Lord and be still. For a lot of people, they are wanting to give because the Bible says so or they are conditioned to believe they should, when they have never really focused on receiving, and being, and experiencing, and knowing the unconditional love the Father has for them. If I focus on how much transformation is still needed, that can put pressure on me, because I am not there yet. So it is better to just focus on each individual living in rest, which will in turn bring rest to the planet. Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28). Full access to all available 'Engaging God' modules, charged at 12 GBP every month. The reason they are trying to pick a fight with you in the first place is because of their own understanding of what you might believe. So if we live in that reality, then we can abide, dwell, and remain at rest in that state of conscious awareness that we are loved. The true reality of who They (Father, Son and Spirit) truly are emerged from the rubble that was my deconstructed mind into the glorious light of revelation. I remember one day I cried out to Him, O God, what is going on? And He answered me, I dont need your assistance, just your surrender. It was really difficult. Therefore you cannot just read something, see how it was worked out once, and think that because of that is it over and done with. Gil and Adena Hodges lead Kingdom Equipping Center. You might think, Surely they are not all negative? Anything that comes from the flesh is negative, and however hard we find that, we have to surrender. And in Hebrew context, 11 is actually a much more likely answer than 2. The path is not always straight and you cannot always see ahead but God knows where we are going: to a place of restoration and a deeper place of intimacy and creativity in our sonship. The Engaging God programme is mostly finished Im adding a few sessions here and there and having deconstructed church, Im no longer teaching locally like I used to. We also recommend these activations produced by our friends at NW Ekklesia (external link). And, like Him, we can do so in a very creative way. Freedom Apostolic Resources, Freedom Apostolic Resource Centre, and Freedom ARC are trading names of Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd., a company registered in England. (except Kindle version, only available from the Amazon Kindle store). We are so accustomed to being self-centred, and life revolving around us. Sons Of Issachar is edited and maintained by Jeremy Westcott on behalf of The Father does not require them (and actually He never did, which may be a shock to a lot of people. He does not see me the way I see myself or the way others see me. Then join us from March 8th to 10th, either in person or via the livestream, for, The cost of the livestream for the Engaging The Father conference is, The Book Depository (free delivery worldwide), 190. I AM is a constant, never changing. That deep-seated inspirational drive was at the heart of my quest for knowledge and a reality that always seemed just beyond my grasp. Topics likely to include:Restoration of fatherhood and sonship Call to the Joshua Generation Accessing the fire stones of destiny Engaging the Ya Sod, the Fathers heart in the what was (eternity) Standing in the 4 faces of God Operating in the Order of Melchizedek. If we give up on exercise, it is usually because we dont enjoy the discipline. So many things are happening, so many things are happening in the heavens; its such an exciting time for those who are called for a time such as this. Better still, become a patron and join us live for the next recording they are normally on the second Sunday of each month at 7pm UK time. Published on Mar 10, 2017. My first book was H.G. Tags: Mike Parsons. Mike Parsons is on Facebook. The true reality of who They (Father, Son and Spirit) truly are emerged from the rubble that was my deconstructed mind into the glorious light of revelation. (These only served to sustain a sin-consciousness and was of no redemptive benefit to anyone.) Look how they have treated me! If that link does not work for you, please search My Journey Beyond Beyond on your chosen retailers website. That is just adding up the years in the biblical genealogies and has little to do with reality. As I mentioned before, that involves seeing things from a Hebrew rather than a Western viewpoint. Mar 2006 - Present17 years 1 month. There is a whole universe, multiverses maybe, into which that kingdom will expand, and the saints of the Highest One are going to be instrumental in that. No, because I am loved unconditionally. He is not angry with you, or disappointed with you. That is no longer the case. I am a farmer and with my wife of 30 years, Mrs. Parsons and I raise organic hay, dairy goats, horses, rabbits, chickens and for 38 years I have raised wolves. I was inspired to find the truth that had been obscured by the religious veil and willing to pay whatever the cost to discover what I had always known but had never been able to see. The great shift we are experiencing will have great impact, beyond most peoples understanding, and will be the catalyst for the restoration of all things. Love must be extreme or it is not love. the realms of heaven and within your own spirit and heart; and how to take up Mike Parsons takes us through his foundational daily meditation practice. Over 6 hours of video recordings. Click the image or link above for the whole series, or scroll down to watch the video of the talk this post comes from. Terms and conditionsapply. The second tier will be limited to 30 people only. So I fix my eyes on Jesus and on the Father and then I find that I just walk out every day and enjoy it. As my great friend and fellow traveller, Lindy Strong has said, My past self of ten years ago would probably call my present self a heretic and that was my own experience on this journey. All that equals more time available for me to spend to be able to connect and share with people who are not already in the Engaging God programme, which already has mentoring as part of it. We will look at them in more detail later on in this series, but I will just list some of them for now: 1. For it was the Fathers good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven (Colossians 1:13-20). The further and deeper this rabbit hole journey has gone, the more convinced I am of Gods desire and passion for the restoration of all things of creation. (2070 Little River Church Rd, Taylorsville, NC 28681). All mankind can become fully mature sons, not just some, because God is so unconditionally loving that He leaves nobody out of the all. This event is over, but the recordings are available. Just stay still, and let Me do what I need to do to prepare you for what is to come. I thought, Of course I can do that. But when it came to it, my flesh was desperate to know what was going on. Forgiveness is as unconditional as love; no works are required. I have some very exciting news that I want to share with you. And that is really what we need to understand and engage. But He already sees me that way now, which is why He smiles. I would have always said that I believed that God is love but my understanding of that love is very different now that I know it by experience. That is the key for us, living in a state of being which is not functioning in an old system of works and therefore not being deceived into having to work for Gods favour and blessing; receiving it as His children through grace and mercy, not by works. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being (John 1:3). A supernaturally dimensional reality where there is fire and there seem to be a whole lot of people who are unhappy there what else was I supposed to think? How could it equal anything but 2? I will come back to that!). If love is limited, it is not love. These activations are audio only, and are best used in conjunction with the relevant blog posts. I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fattened cattle; and I take no pleasure in the blood of bulls, lambs, or goats. (Isaiah 1:11). Registered office: Freedom Centre, 1 Howard Avenue, Barnstaple EX32 8QA, UK. All 25 sessions: 80 GBP. About Avril. You have to persevere. Click the image or link above. That is His highest agenda. *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we are unable to offer a click to donate option. Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd. is a not-for-profit company registered in England. 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